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Thread: fooled by immigration

  1. #1
    Member Ecxy's Avatar
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    fooled by immigration

    being annoyed to that we been fooled by this bloody immigration in Manila..we just came back from Hongkong me and my husband to claim that i year balikbayan visa..and bow were here home in Davao City..been worry and felt disgusting of the there any way for us to claim that visa intended for my he is availing that privilage as a spouse of a filifino citizen..
    the immgration manila didnt grant us that balikbyan visa as they say i should have a former philppines citizen and that only i cn get cobfusiing..anyway if anybody know..some othet to help us this things to fix please feelt free to let us know..or do we need to go back immgration manila or here in husband just given an option by that **** immgtation in manila to renew on a certain period for him to stay here in Ph.... so disgusting where in fact he has right to claim this balikbayan visa..please help us..
    thank you

  2. #2
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    I think we already fully answered you in the other thread you created.
    Read it again:
    Best regards.

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Well spotted A_Flyer......
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    aaaaah, Im so glad that others are not answering posts, good on ya A_flyer, I am doing a spot of diy, putting up new tempered glass shelving in the bathroom, making it look nice before wifey comes back to UK, I can sit back and take a break and read posts, glad to see others are taking up the management mantle,

  5. #5
    Respected Member
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    whats the fuzz, if u cant prove being married, then pay the visa? !

    It doesnt cost you much, (2500 pesos when Michel paid year 2004) and its a penny to your Gary noh?
    mama mia !

  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Please refrain from using expletives on this forum, it is a extended family asynchronous bulletin board, no matter how much you feel the Philippine department of Immigration is causing distress, ***'s are not welcome on the forum, nor is foul language of any kind also your post is written in corrupted english and is gramatically confusing therefore it is nott an acceptable form of written english, please learn to write the Queen's English if you wish to post on this forum, thank you for your attention.

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