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  1. #1
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Email Printing

    Hello guys..I have clarification in printing EMAILS for the evidences preparation for FIANCEE application...What did you do, ummm did you print all the EMAILS of just pick every week?

    I'm printing all the CHAT HISTORY now and I already print my INBOX which the email of my hubby is there. Do i have to print also the messages on the EMAIL? Did you use the bond paper back to back printing????

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Just print a few examples and Dont try and print the entire chat history with every convo your printer will explode surely

  3. #3
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Just print a few examples and Dont try and print the entire chat history with every convo your printer will explode surely

    hehehehe but anypaul I already print it since last nyt and today hmmmmm my printer didnt explode lol I print our chat history from last year of January I have it hehehhe until to the present but the thing is my 2006 CHAT HISTORY I can't retrive anymore for the month of October to December of 2006....

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    hehehehe but anypaul I already print it since last nyt and today hmmmmm my printer didnt explode lol I print our chat history from last year of January I have it hehehhe until to the present but the thing is my 2006 CHAT HISTORY I can't retrive anymore for the month of October to December of 2006....

    Good to hear and im sure your neighbours are more relived flying printer parts didn't come flying over the fences

    I seriously would not worry if you have other proof you were communcating leters and the likes.

    They just want to see evidence you are in a serious relationship. Not know the in and outs of your indivual relationships.

    A few examples is all you need.

    I think it could be argued by a lawyer all you need to show is you phone/email or write regularly what you discuss is none of their business.

    But Sending the emails and some example chats im sure will help.

    Out of intrest how many pages do you have stcked up now and will your Mahal and you be planting some trees to restore the balance

  5. #5
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Good to hear and im sure your neighbours are more relived flying printer parts didn't come flying over the fences

    I seriously would not worry if you have other proof you were communcating leters and the likes.

    They just want to see evidence you are in a serious relationship. Not know the in and outs of your indivual relationships.

    A few examples is all you need.

    I think it could be argued by a lawyer all you need to show is you phone/email or write regularly what you discuss is none of their business.

    But Sending the emails and some example chats im sure will help.

    Out of intrest how many pages do you have stcked up now and will your Mahal and you be planting some trees to restore the balance

    ummm I assume I print more or less 200 pages already including the inbox of my mails...hmmm and I'm planning to print at least 100 emails hehehhe and print screen too...

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    ummm I assume I print more or less 200 pages already including the inbox of my mails...hmmm and I'm planning to print at least 100 emails hehehhe and print screen too...

    Better say good bye to the amazon forest then with all that paper gone

    would it not be better to say print a screenshot of the page or pages where all your emails are shown in hotmaill or yahho for example.

    So the ECO can see that your mahal sent two each day for example. Then print out some examples for each month or week?

    It may save the odd tree and I feel we need to protect your neighbours from exploding printer parts. Or should we send over some safety hats

  7. #7
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    I used A4 sized bondpaper, i printed only few once of each week or i mean as long as there is one email representative for each month... if i won't gonna do those, it takes ages for me to complete as we communicated through by means for almost 3 years of relationship...oh yea u can choose back to back if you want it helps to save space and effort to do so...

    and about the chat....once a week is enough....

  8. #8
    Respected Member menchkin's Avatar
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    Don't print everything. Just select a few. The ECO just want to see that you are in constant communication so I think 1 chat/email per week is enough.
    Jer. 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future"

  9. #9
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    I used A4 sized bondpaper, i printed only few once of each week or i mean as long as there is one email representative for each month... if i won't gonna do those, it takes ages for me to complete as we communicated through by means for almost 3 years of relationship...oh yea u can choose back to back if you want it helps to save space and effort to do so...

    and about the chat....once a week is enough....

    Ok sis I will print and sort out the email one a week or month maybe... I will print tht tonyt, I'm done printing my CHAT HISTORY....What about PRINT SCREEN do you have those...
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  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    This is not in particular aimmed at you Amy but all Applicants printing out Emaills and chats or sending in letters.

    I would also add to read though all the emails to ensure by no chance there is anything for some bizzare reason which could read as dodgy to the ECO.

    You dont want to supply evidence which could be used agaisnt you.

    Im sure its not intentional but if a passage or a single word even as a joke said something whch sounds a bit suspicous it could cause problems.

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