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Thread: im back now...want to bring wife and child to uk

  1. #1
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Smile im back now...want to bring wife and child to uk

    Hi everyone

    GREAT to be back here in uk and since july 25th all is looking good. ok heres my story you can follow my old threads to see but basically i decided to live with my wife for nearly 3 years in davao city. We now have a child And ben is now 15 months old. Unfortunately money ran out aND business was bad too. A experience never to forget. Ok im now back in UK and farely good job and soon move into a private flat in eastbourne. Slowly i am saving every penny thats available. Im sure i will get there.

    So 2 months as passed now and i tell my wife in 6-9 months we will apply for her permanent residence to uk and Ben . Im wondering if i should apply sooner. Now working and home or maybe i should wait this out . Advise me please.

    I have questions here . My boy was born in Philippines . Is it possible for ben to be granted a british pasport or uk nationality.

    2nd question. I am informed if you have been in relationship for 4 years then application is easier??????????? we have infact been married 4 years in august 2009

    3rd question . do i need to show 6 months payslips account

    Much appreciated oh yes if anyone wants to link to my yahoo its and will invite you on my messenger

    best wishes to you all out there too

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    1) if you was born in the uk, then yes your son should be british by decent, and you can register him and apply for a british passport for him at the british embassy, saving you paying a settlement visa for him and a naturalization fee later on

    2) its not in a relationship for 4 years, you need to have being living outside the uk together for 4years or more with her. then you can apply for ILE, but you need to pass the life in uk test

    3) yes i think its 6 months of bank statements/payslips. it should tell you in the guidance notes.

  3. #3
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    thanks for the advise. thats great that my son can have british passport. i am also british national.

    yes we lived together for the 2 year period in davao. I suppose this makes her application stronger. sorry just worried even though we have not strted that yet.

    and foir ben so excited to get him a british passport

    thanks for your help again

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i was married for more than 2 years b4 we applied for a spouse visa, waited for the misses to finish uni. finishing uni took longer than we thought

    she did get called for an interview thou, but that was near 4yrs ago, looks like the embassy don't interview hardly anyone any more

    then you need a place for them to live, a job and a bit of cash in the bank, and you shouldn't be refused

  5. #5
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    hi again

    thanks for the reply...very helpful. like i said i aim to start the long process in 6-7 months from now. This gives me abit of time to save save save. It would be much easier do just that if i was on a higher income. Im sure i will get there. i am ex-military so in 2010 i do geta lump sum of 15,000 pounds grant . unfortunaetly they wont pay this early. Do u think i should mention this on the application. This is a confirmed payment on june 2010.

    You mentioned the CSO living in uk. Is therea book or leaflet or other information that i could send to my wife so that she could start learning UK stuff.

    thanks again


  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your wife doesn't need to pass the life in uk test now, that was only if you had been living together for 4yrs or more outside the uk so you could apply for ILE.

    as you haven't then you will need to apply for a spouse visa, which will last for 27 months, your wife must pass the test within the 27 months, so she can apply for ILR. so your wife has lots of time when your wife is here

    yes, have you got written evidence of the money being paid in 2010 ? photocopy it and send it with your app.

    have you got family or friends who could loan you a couple of £000's ?, for 6 months, if so put it in your current account, but don't send the statement with the money going in, send the 6 after it, so you'll have at least 2K+ in the bank which should be enough, also your following bank statements will look good as hopefully the balance will be increasing each month

    what about your accommendation, you renting or living with family ?

  7. #7
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    thanks for your reply again . i apreciate your help.

    yes have evidence with supporting letter from ministry of defence that they will pay the grant payment on june 2010. i will be able to send copies of this by photocopy.

    at present i landed a good job as night manager in a big hotel . the accomodation is free with free food. No outlays whats so ever. so in the last 5 -6 weeks ive been able to save just over 1500 pounds .

    Im advised to move into a private accomodation 2 bedroom flat unfurnished in decemeber . The reason is to show the 6 months rent and council tax as required. not sure if this is required as same as bank account,payslips

    if not then i could stay in hotel accomodation and save quite a lump sum and then move into a flat or house 2-3 before i send the application.

    Hope i havent confused anyone on this but useful if i could stay on in free accomodation for a short while longer to accumalate some extra funds.

    look forward to your replys


  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Accommodation (renters) If the sponsor rents a flat or house, the tenancy agreement should be provided. If the applicant is not a signatory to the tenancy agreement, then an additional statement from the landlord (or estate agent) should be provided that attests to his agreement that the premises will be occupied by an additional person. If an existing tenancy agreement is to be used, it should have at least six months before expiry. If the tenancy agreement does not have at least six months before expiry, then an additional statement from the landlord showing intent to renew at the same terms should be provided.

    Rented accommodation If the accommodation is privately rented, the sponsor should submit a letter from the landlord that confirms both the size of the property and his agreement that an additional occupant may take up residence there. The sponsor should also include a copy of the tenancy agreement, and the tenancy agreement should have at least six months remaining until its expiry.

    If the accommodation is owned by a local authority or council estate, a landlord's confirmation should also be obtained, but if this cannot be obtained a report from an independent surveyor which confirms the size and suitability of the premises can be submitted instead.


    if i was you, i would stay in your rent free place as long as possible, and a month or so b4 your going to apply for the visa, find a rented place, and get a letter from the landlord as mentioned above,
    and get the hotel you work for to put in writing that you've lived rent free and free food for the last x months, that's why you have not rented until now, as your applying for a spouse visa, you've now rented. seems good to me

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    As long as the flat is lined up for when the Wife and Kid move over then the ECO should be happy.
    Why pay any more rent than you have to.

    Also landlords will be the longer you wait giving a better deal each week.

  10. #10
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    yhes thanks enormously for your reply too. You are right why pay more and free accomodation that comes with the job carnt be bad . i plan to submit the application in april . After thi date i suppose it dosent mater if i am withdrawing big amounts from my bank account to setup home for my wife and child.


  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    yhes thanks enormously for your reply too. You are right why pay more and free accomodation that comes with the job carnt be bad . i plan to submit the application in april . After thi date i suppose it dosent mater if i am withdrawing big amounts from my bank account to setup home for my wife and child.

    Nope as you will write it in your letter of support where you will explain in detail what your doing backing up with evidence.

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    last bit of advice, make sure you apply for your visa when you have just got your last statement your going to send

    i waited a couple of weeks after i got it, and by then, it was another month, and the cheeky monkeys at the embassy asked for my latest statement, (lucky that my bank still sends paper ones, i scanned it, and emailed it to my misses aunt, who printed it out, saving me sending it by courier) so make sure soon as you've got the statement apply, if you're going to start withdrawing lots of money , just incase they asked for that statement

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