Here is the latest news from the Jewel of the Philippines.

1. Rice has hit Rock's bottom - he is not pleased.

2. Cooking oil is on the slippery slope.

3. We have another typhoon - although I prefer Tesco's - I think it has more flavour - but I don't take sugar anyway.

4. I have got a new job!! Much more pay - so now I shall be able to afford TWO beers a week!!

5. The jeepney drivers are revolting!

6. There is NO number six.

7. How many country and western singers does it take to change a light bulb?

8. The pound has really suffered. Filipinos are giving pounds away on the streets now instead of begging for money.

9. Work is really suffering as a result of the high winds blowing here. If you have a job here, at the moment it could be termed as a 'blowjob.'

10. My movie premiere is tomorrow. HONEST!!! I have made a movie at Bigfoot Studios in Mactan - and what's more - I am the LEAD!!!!

11. It's still bloody hot here.
