We are getting married next Saturday at Kendal Registry Office in Kendal. As part of our preparation to upgrade Wena's visa from 6 month fiancee to 2 year marriage visa something crossed my mind.

Do we change the name on Wena's passport from her maiden name to her maried name. If we do this after the visa is issued the visa cannot be used in the new passport ! (As explained by my solicitor)

Are there any benefits to Wena changing her name in her passport, if so what are they, and when would you suggest we do change it, if at all. Obviously when Wena gets her visa she will be allowed to work, but to register for a NI number etc. she will need identification, and problems could arise if the name she gives (her married name) is not the same as her name in her passport !

Please advise.

My solicitor seemed to think it is best to wait and change the name in the passport about 1 to months before we apply for her permanent leave to remain visa is issued.