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  1. #1
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    First visit - first meeting – first impressions

    Of course, this Forum is a godsend to anyone contemplating a relationship with a Filipina. It helped me greatly to understand the country, its people, their customs and characteristics.

    Three months after meeting on a chat site (Filipina Heart) I was flying out to meet my gf. I had booked a flight to Manila before meeting her, and at a time when I had no one to visit out there. After endlessly reading the Forum I knew I wanted to see the Philippines, even if I was alone out there.

    But then along came Shirley, we chatted, we got along so well. “Wouldn’t it be nice if you could visit the Philippines” she would say, and it was not long after we first met that we both cancelled our FH accounts, chatted on Messenger, and both knew (hoped) this was not just a casual friendship.

    I held out for a while, not telling her I already had a flight booked, but as it became apparent we were serious I told her. It was worth waiting, just to see her reaction on the webcam!! Fortunately she lived only 2 hours from Manila, which was fortunate. How annoying if she had lived near Cebu Airport!

    Of course the Forum came into its own. I knew I had to take some gifts out, meet the family. I had a wealth of experience to tap into to help me, and planned accordingly. I had updated my phone to a tri-band one so we could sms and chat, but what I did not know was that as it was not on a contract it would not work over there.

    Came the day, and came the flight. I had booked the cheapest flight I could, Kuwait Airways, and knew thay had a bad reputation. But everything was fine. The flights showed up something interesting. The leg from London to Kuwait was mainly composed of people from Arab nations, and the flight from Kuwait to Manila mainly Filipino. The contrast between the two sets of passengers was noticeable. The filipinos were a happy bunch, mainly younger guys and gals, happy chatting.and already I felt at home around them.

    Landing at Manila the formalities did not take too long. I had read the sticky with its description and photos of the arrival area, but it was quite small scale there, with no problems. Following the instructions I exited on the right, crossed the road, and down the sloping path to the meeting area, where under the letter G would, I hoped, be Shirley - wearing a bright red teeshirt. For myself - I had a pre-arranged baseball cap.

    I reached the bottom of the slope, and was about to walk to letter G, then remembered by cap. Pulling it on I glimpsed across the road, at people behind the barrier, I thought I could see a glimpse of red. It was hot and humid, and I melted my way along to my letter.....

    And more to follow ..

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You look like Alan's brother
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You look like Alan's brother
    Yep.. hehe always TO BE CONTINUED...

  4. #4
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You look like Alan's brother

    Looking forward for the next post
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
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  5. #5
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Wow... can't wait for your next post! COngrats anyway!

  6. #6
    Member sneaker23's Avatar
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    il subscribe to this thread :-D

    one love story on the making

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneaker23 View Post
    il subscribe to this thread :-D
    one love story on the making
    Second the motion,here is my payment to this thread,I'll subscribe as well
    Gosh so exciting Paul,make it 8 pages ha,beat alan's bro.

  8. #8
    Member sneaker23's Avatar
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    ohh.. wait!

    you're avatar pic disclose much of the story... :-D

  9. #9
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Your post makes the reader looking forward for the continuation!!!...can't wait! please don't delay! hehehe

  10. #10
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    so far so good...
    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  11. #11
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    ohhh thats reminded me of mine as well. cant wait for next chapter
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  12. #12
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    When reading accounts of bf’s travelling out to for a first meeting with their gf, there are two things I look for: First obviously was how the couple got on together when they finally met. The second was the impressions of the country itself. I knew it would be hot, humid, less developed than Britain. Some said they felt safe wherever they were, others preached caution. One thing I was hoping for was for a friendly country where I could feel at ease.

    As I walked down the path to the meeting area I was not quite at ease. I may have been jetlagged, though that only caught up with me later; after 2 long flights I was unshaven and crumpled and now hot. I had expected to be nervous, but the main feeling was of worry; I was to spend 2 weeks with my gf and if we did not get on well that would seem a very long time indeed.

    I walked the short distance to letter G. Across the road a figure in red mirrored my movement, spoke to a guard, a gate was opened – and across to me came Shirley. I don’t remember the first few minutes in great clarity. We hugged, remembering advice read about first meetings I kissed her on both cheeks, was that a traditional Filipina greeting? Whatever, it didn’t do the trick, so a proper kiss swiftly followed that.

    Looking at photos of couples on the Forum, I have always been struck by how ‘hands-on’ Filipinas are with their partners. And so it was with us, as we waited for transport, hand in hand, then arm in arm. A foretaste of times ahead, and already we were comfortable with one another. I had booked accommodation for the first week at the Mabuhay Manor Hotel, before a short trip to Boracay Island. The hotel fulfilled several criteria; it was only 15 minutes away, they had free collection from the airport, they were reasonably priced, and had good reviews generally.

    As was to prove the case a lot during the time we were together, it was invaluable having a ‘native speaker’ with me. Everyone spoke some English, but time was often saved by Shirley being able to speak the local lingo! She phoned the hotel, hastened our transport, and minutes later we were on our way. Driving habits in Manila, seen for the first time, were ‘interesting’, the horn being used as a tool for carving through traffic. I was glad I didn’t have to drive.

    I saw jeepneys for the first time, hundreds of them, whilst en route to the hotel. I was to enjoy much travel in them during my stay. The hotel was in what I thought a narrow road, but was typical for the area. Cool air conditioning, a welcome drink, smiles from the friendly staff - and I had arrived ………

    And more later ………

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    hey!its look like telenovela or soap opera,cant wait for the next episode

  14. #14
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    "You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love;
    although you've maybe been told you're to young.
    For those who tell you that,
    that don't know what is.

  15. #15
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    exciting...cant wait for next chapter

  16. #16
    Member sneaker23's Avatar
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    i should change from daily subscription to instant subscription..... :-D

    welcome to mars paulgee! :-D

  17. #17
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    WOW how cool... Hmmm I'm sure you have fun and you will enjoy your 2 weeks vacations here... Enjoy the moment with your gf.... I remember the days when we first met with my hubby he is really struck seeing the jeepneys here LOL He is so amazed with it... badly we didn't try to ride on it because he is really desperate to try it waaaaaaaaaaaa...hmmm maybe his next visit we will rent the whole jeep for us and tour with in the metro He wants to buy jeepney and bring it over in Scotland

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneaker23 View Post
    i should change from daily subscription to instant subscription..... :-D

    welcome to mars paulgee! :-D
    you wouldn't like to read if it is too long ,so i agree the episode for episode,so go,go,go paul ,we are enjoying especially pinays here on the forum,

  19. #19
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    Either I missed an instalment or there is a lot of "getting to know each other" going on.....

    Keep it up , lad, we are rooting for yah.....

  20. #20
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post a lot of "getting to know each other" going on.....
    Hey! No plagiarism, please!

  21. #21
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    There are two types of men who read the Forum, those who have met their gf and those who have not. There is the big build up, months of emails, chats by phone and on messenger/cam, and when the meeting takes place one hopes their gf is all you hoped for. Myself? I was lucky, I was in Manila with a beautiful gf at the start of a 2 week holiday.

    Even with aircon temperatures at night are high. But I was to enjoy the heat during my time there, just as long as a cool shower was not too far away, Filipinos being so clean, (even on crowded jeepneys I was impressed with the personal hygiene of people!) The first morning was a chance to see the real Philippines. Breakfast at the Mabuhay Manor was excellent, a buffet of mainly Philippine foods with a nod towards western tastes. As a Filipina Shirley cannot survive without every meal containing rice, and I tried to ‘go native’ and follow her lead.

    I was much taken by the Egg Station in the restaurant, a chef standing behind two burners, cooking eggs, omelettes etc to order. I was to find out that ‘Station’ was a favourite word, used to describe all manner of places. And this is where I was to find out how a Filipina looks after her man, food types were explained, fetched from the buffet for me. It has been written elsewhere, more eloquently than I can put it, how men are cared for by their Filipina gf’s and wives. How lucky we are – and let us not forget it!

    We walked down the street to the market after breakfast. It was a hot, sunny day – and Shirley was underneath her umbrella! It was a common sight, lighter coloured Filipinas staying out of the sun to avoid getting a suntan, quite the reverse to England. The sights and sounds of everyday people and life are what I had looked forward to seeing, and the market had this in abundance. Jeepneys whizzed past on the narrow road from our hotel, men stood at the roadside with tiny trays of drinks, seemingly selling only to Jeepney drivers, close to a pickup area adjacent to the market.

    No pavements on the narrow road, leg breaking holes in the roadside to be avoided, ‘short-time’ hotels advertising their charms, bicycles with their sidecars of passengers pushing their way through the crowds, men selling single cigarettes from their small trays of ware (how on earth do they make a living?), uniformed men with white gloves directing traffic whilst standing in mid-road suicidal positions – I loved it all.

    This was only my first day here. As I write this I realise I am doing it more for my own sake than anyone else, maybe to re-live my time there. So I am sorry if I am boring anyone, but I am sure those who have flown out to be with their gf will have similar memories.

    More later …….

  22. #22
    Respected Member miayela's Avatar
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    Interesting love story..
    cant wait for the next post...

  23. #23
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    No you don't bore us, moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ,we enjoy indeed

  24. #24
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    yes this is great,i'm going have my first "visit" on tues with my lady-hope all goes as well as yours.

  25. #25
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum

    As i am reading your love story it excites me every phrase in it Im looking forward to read more...And i bet i is a successful one.

    Thanks for sharing your love story

  26. #26
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    hmmm please write more i cannot wait
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  27. #27
    Respected Member reginacarlson's Avatar
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    I can't wait to read the rest, please continue...

  28. #28
    Respected Member gazlou's Avatar
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    Can't wait for the next chapter. More please.....

  29. #29
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    Thank you to those who have written words of encouragement, it is nice to know that it is not just Shirley and I accessing this thread. I started this 'story' in order perhaps to explain my experiences out in the Philippines during my first visit, just to give a 'bare-bones' account and so pass on what knowledge I had garnered, to help other first time visitors. But I am writing more than I intended.

    I was surprised how jetlagged I was, for the first few days I felt quite tired. And yet when I flew back I was fine after a nights sleep. But, no matter, I took in the sights during the first few days. The Mabuhay Manor Hotel is only a short distance from the Mall of Asia, and that is where we headed on Day 3. At 17 pesos for the two of us the cost of a jeepney was very reasonable. In fact there appears to be only 2 prices for a ride on one: 8 1/2 pesos for a short journey, and 17 pesos for a long journey. Bargain! Mind you, the taxi fare back cost us 90 pesos!

    The Mall of Asia was interesting, not that I am much of a shopper, but because it was in a foreign country. In appearance it is a vivid contrast to the small shops found around the area we were staying, which were definitely third world. Whereas the Mall could have been located anywhere in the world, judging by it's appearance. At the far end one has views of Manila Bay, and there are restaurants located there with good sea views. And on the ground floor is a full size ice rink. Interesting.

    I enjoyed the Mall, maybe because I had a beautiful gf with me, maybe because I had a beautiful gf with me who didn't want me to spend my money buying her things. What a girl!! Everywhere there is security. Shops outside the Mall proper all have security guards, and bags are checked and bodies frisked upon entry to the huge Mall. (3rd largest in the world)

    Further along the bay is the Oceanarium, which we paid a visit to. Not very large, but worth a visit. We took the easy option and the hotel taxi took us, cost about £2.50. A local taxi back - less than a pound. And this highlights one observation of the Philippines that struck me as so different to the UK. And that is the number of people doing whatever they can to earn some money. At the taxi area near the Oceanarium a youth ran around until he could flag a taxi for us, that was his living. I got used to carrying small change/notes with me for tips, usually 20 pesos plus, depending on the service provided.

    If in doubt I always gave a small tip for any help. There are armies of people just looking to make a little money, and in England we just don't have that. I suppose the welfare society has put paid to that. But in the Philippines labour is obviously so cheap and there are so many people looking to earn just enough to feed themselves for another day. I had bought some seriously uncool shorts with me, and when I bought some at a shop in the Mall the level of attention given by the attractive young shop assistant was remarkable. She didn't quite follow me into the changing booth to help me try them on, but she was waiting outside for my opinion. What a contrast to British shop service.

    I had earned myself some brownie points by insisting I wanted to see Shirley's family as soon as I could, so the next day we journeyed out to see them ........ next post to follow soon.

  30. #30
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    can't wait... i am glad you are having fun there. take care.
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

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