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Thread: First visit - first meeting – first impressions

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  1. #1
    Respected Member gazlou's Avatar
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    Can't wait for the next chapter. More please.....

  2. #2
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    Thank you to those who have written words of encouragement, it is nice to know that it is not just Shirley and I accessing this thread. I started this 'story' in order perhaps to explain my experiences out in the Philippines during my first visit, just to give a 'bare-bones' account and so pass on what knowledge I had garnered, to help other first time visitors. But I am writing more than I intended.

    I was surprised how jetlagged I was, for the first few days I felt quite tired. And yet when I flew back I was fine after a nights sleep. But, no matter, I took in the sights during the first few days. The Mabuhay Manor Hotel is only a short distance from the Mall of Asia, and that is where we headed on Day 3. At 17 pesos for the two of us the cost of a jeepney was very reasonable. In fact there appears to be only 2 prices for a ride on one: 8 1/2 pesos for a short journey, and 17 pesos for a long journey. Bargain! Mind you, the taxi fare back cost us 90 pesos!

    The Mall of Asia was interesting, not that I am much of a shopper, but because it was in a foreign country. In appearance it is a vivid contrast to the small shops found around the area we were staying, which were definitely third world. Whereas the Mall could have been located anywhere in the world, judging by it's appearance. At the far end one has views of Manila Bay, and there are restaurants located there with good sea views. And on the ground floor is a full size ice rink. Interesting.

    I enjoyed the Mall, maybe because I had a beautiful gf with me, maybe because I had a beautiful gf with me who didn't want me to spend my money buying her things. What a girl!! Everywhere there is security. Shops outside the Mall proper all have security guards, and bags are checked and bodies frisked upon entry to the huge Mall. (3rd largest in the world)

    Further along the bay is the Oceanarium, which we paid a visit to. Not very large, but worth a visit. We took the easy option and the hotel taxi took us, cost about £2.50. A local taxi back - less than a pound. And this highlights one observation of the Philippines that struck me as so different to the UK. And that is the number of people doing whatever they can to earn some money. At the taxi area near the Oceanarium a youth ran around until he could flag a taxi for us, that was his living. I got used to carrying small change/notes with me for tips, usually 20 pesos plus, depending on the service provided.

    If in doubt I always gave a small tip for any help. There are armies of people just looking to make a little money, and in England we just don't have that. I suppose the welfare society has put paid to that. But in the Philippines labour is obviously so cheap and there are so many people looking to earn just enough to feed themselves for another day. I had bought some seriously uncool shorts with me, and when I bought some at a shop in the Mall the level of attention given by the attractive young shop assistant was remarkable. She didn't quite follow me into the changing booth to help me try them on, but she was waiting outside for my opinion. What a contrast to British shop service.

    I had earned myself some brownie points by insisting I wanted to see Shirley's family as soon as I could, so the next day we journeyed out to see them ........ next post to follow soon.

  3. #3
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    can't wait... i am glad you are having fun there. take care.
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  4. #4
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    No, I definitely would not like to drive in Manila. Shirleys cousin picked us up in his car and drove us to her home in Pampanga. There is no fast lane, slow lane as we have in the UK; vehicles just switch from lane to lane, whichever is going faster. But it works for them.

    I had brought some small gifts for Shirleys family, edible ones. Chocolates, a tin of quality biscuits, a tin of fudge - and more chocolates. I had brought over a few small presents for Shirley, including even more chocolates.

    I was welcomed by her family and felt quite relaxed there. A meal had been prepared for the two of us, and I took some photos of the family, me included, while there. There was some good natured joking as the family struggled with their English to talk to me.

    Back to Manila, and then we were off to Boracay for 2 nights. I had booked a special offer on the internet offered by Willys Beach Club Hotel, a package including travel too and from the airport on the adjacent island. Like others I had experienced problems booking flights on the internet, but Philippines Airline proved to be ok, and the flights were fine.

    A catamaran takes you from the island with the airport to Boracay Island, then a short ride in the hotels van and we were there. We were welcomed with a fruit drink and shell garlands. The room, with jacuzzi bath!! was excellent, and the humidity on the island less oppressive than Manila. We had a package which included dinner on one night, but food was the only downside of an otherwise excellent hotel.

    By now Shirley and I were getting on so well, it was as if we had known one another for years, not just days, but already I was half way through my holiday. We hired a catamaran the next day for a short trip around the bay, great photo opportunity. I think Shirley is uploading photos soon to our album. There is a shopping mall - D Mall I think it was called, mainly tourist type shops and places to eat - which was one of the few places where I was not the only 'white man' while on my holiday.

    As we left next day it was windy and raining, a reminder that this was still the wet season. Flying back to Manila and then a 2 hour bus journey into Pampanga, wher eI would spend my final days, as Shirley had work commitments during part of those days.

    The bus journey was not as much fun as a jeepney, but at stops men would get on, selling drinks, nuts, fruit, and some very unhealthy looking concoctions. And then get off at the next stop. A bus station brought a further rush of them. I bought some a small bag of nuts, 20 pesos well invested. I was certainly glad Shirley accompanied me because I had nio idea where we were, where to get off etc. When we did get off it was 2 jeepney rides to the hotel, near San Fernando, only a few more days of holiday left. I was not looking forward to leaving my gf for the uncertain pleasures of England...........

  5. #5
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    I have always enjoyed holiday times, when on a 2 week holiday it always seems that the first week goes by slowly, then during the second week time flies. So it was with my fortnight in the Philippines. The last 4 days seemed to go too quickly.

    We did some shopping at the local Mall. I had taken some English money with me, sent some in advance to Shirley's bank account (Xoom always seems to work fine), but needed some more cash. Using my debit card in a Metrobank cash machine I requested some cash. And nothing happened, neither did my debit card reappear. After a few minutes Shirley summoned a nearby security guard. As he stood there repeatedly pressing the cancel button my heart sank. But surprise, surprise, after a couple more minutes card and cash were spewed out. I presume it has a bit more checking to do than normal. So be prepared!

    We needed to cross 4 lanes of a busy road to catch a jeepney each day, and I found out the significance of pedestrian crossings - they had no significance! It was just pretty scary, dash across the first 2 lanes, stand exposed in the middle of the road until traffic in the opposite direction was clear.

    The day before I left I treated Shirley's family to a meal out, they opted for a local Jollibees. As a guide to food costs (Jollibees for those who don't know is a local equivalent of Kentucky Fried Chicken) I bought 8 meals, 5 cold drinks and 5 ice creams; total cost about 950 pesos.

    And then the last day loomed. Before we had actually met in person we had emailed, chatted on messenger/webcam and thought we knew one another well. But during the 2 weeks we spent together feelings deepened, and parting was hard - a wrench to both of us. But I knew I would be back. Now we could understand the feelings of fellow Forum members - the pain of separating. Yes, thank you fellow members, in a way sharing the pain with others does help, reading other members experiences.

    We parted at the airport, knowing I would be 7000 miles away the next day made it worse. Tears would be shed, but we both knew this was just the start of things ..........

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