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Thread: Olympic Parade

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Olympic Parade

    Let's spend BILLIONS on the Olympics in 2012 for EVERYONE in the country the government told us..... about 6 weeks after one of our best Olympics ever, when most folk have lost the will to live in the present climate, they hold the victory London.....on a Lunchtime.....government minister said it was so office workers could come out at that right?

    Well I bet Nissan in Sunderland didn't give all the workers 10 hours off for lunch so they could nip down to London to 'celebrate' with the others at lunchtime!!!

    Wlaes & Scotland celebrated straight after they got back, and well done to them.

    ...and the news say thousands tunrned out!!! Of they'd held it the weekend after while it still had momentum it would have been tens of thousands, and allowed folk from around the country to get there.....and I thought the Olympics was supposed to be to get the children into sport....yet they were at school today!!!
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    From what i saw it was mainly Kids and office workers skiving and an excuse for a ciggie. Saw loads of primary school ages parties going to and from the area.

    Most of us avoided it and got on with life like most of the country did. Well done to the Medal winners i hope they inspire kids and young people but like you say at least do it at the weekend.

    Ps thanks although London has a bigger tax burden it should help keep us out of recession along with Cross rail

  3. #3
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    and I thought the Olympics was supposed to be to get the children into sport....yet they were at school today!!!
    Are you being deliberately naive? (no offence intended) but that is !

    It's about big business making even more money and politicians to try to get prestige and reflected glory from the medal winners.

    If it was about getting people into sport and getting fitter would they have sponsors like mcd****ds?

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouse View Post
    Are you being deliberately naive? (no offence intended) but that is bol***ks!

    It's about big business making even more money and politicians to try to get prestige and reflected glory from the medal winners.

    If it was about getting people into sport and getting fitter would they have sponsors like mcd****ds?
    I think the IOC are a wonderful waste of Money, i think they may be a bit dissapointed if they want their own lane of traffic in London.

    The British goverment coined the phrase about it being for the KIDs sadly i dont think Mr admin, your good self or i belive much of what they say or write

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Please don't circumvent the swear filter, it's a pain in the editing other peoples posts.....We have smilies.

    Are you being deliberately naive? (no offence intended) but that is !

    It's about big business making even more money and politicians to try to get prestige and reflected glory from the medal winners.
    Are you being deliberately naive? (no offence intended) but that is !

    How many big business & politicians will enter? NONE....How many of the kids in todays schools will enter? SOME

    I think it's a waste of if they had horse racing in it I may change my mind
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
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    Humble apologies.

    Wasn't trying to circumvent it, will use the smilies in future.

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Please don't circumvent the swear filter, it's a pain in the editing other peoples posts.....We have smilies.

    Are you being deliberately naive? (no offence intended) but that is !

    How many big business & politicians will enter? NONE....How many of the kids in todays schools will enter? SOME

    I think it's a waste of if they had horse racing in it I may change my mind
    Who will make more money out of the 2021? kids or

    who gets the medal the horse or rider?

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Who will make more money out of the 2021? kids or

    who gets the medal the horse or rider?
    2021...something we don't know about!! As it is mostly Southerners money paying for it, us Northerners don't give a about the money.

    ....and of course the horse 'gets it'
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    2021...something we don't know about!! As it is mostly Southerners money paying for it, us Northerners don't give a about the money.

    ....and of course the horse 'gets it'
    Its the Sequel.

    Well its stopping the construction industry totally grind to a halt in the south. More jobs down here for the short term blah blah

    The goverment cant afford for 2012 to run out of Money, so you will end up paying for it somehow

  10. #10
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    What with the 2012 bill, the government takeover of the banks (thanks for protecting my savings), aren't I glad that I no longer have to pay taxes in the UK?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    What with the 2012 bill, the government takeover of the banks (thanks for protecting my savings), aren't I glad that I no longer have to pay taxes in the UK?
    Brown will make sure that, before certain defeat, after the next general elections all the cupboards will be left bare....

    I can see that anytime soon he will start another raid on the various pension funds and inventing breathing tax, eating tax, toilet paper tax, etc, to keep on going till then.....

  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    What with the 2012 bill, the government takeover of the banks (thanks for protecting my savings), aren't I glad that I no longer have to pay taxes in the UK?

    The loans will come from the goverments banks so it looks like the goverment didn't pay for the games.

    Gordon im sure will write blank cheques from his pets as needed.

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