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Thread: EEA FAMILY PERMIT...processing/waiting time is torture!

  1. #1
    Respected Member reginacarlson's Avatar
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    Question EEA FAMILY PERMIT...processing/waiting time is torture!

    Hello. Has anyone here ever applied for an EEA family permit? How long did you have to wait???

    My application has been submitted to VFS Philippines on 11 SEP 2008 and still haven't heard anything regarding the status of my application. Based on their website:
    The British Embassy, Manila targets to process non-settlement applications in at least 30 working days & 3 months for settlement applications.

    It's on its 5th week now but I have this dreadful feeling that it would probably take longer because "at least" means minimum and chances are it could take longer than 30 working days (6 weeks)!

    I'm hoping against hope that it would be exactly 30 working days and no more as I can no longer stand the long wait! I'm terribly missing my husband and it's so hard being away from each other.

    I hope the embassy would cut the unnecessary delays to avoid incessant torture! The pain, frustration and nightmare they are subjecting couples from being separated while waiting for the visa is maddening!

    If you are in a similiar situation, please let me know how long you've been waiting.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if you used the search function you will find they have

    it's been a busy time at the British embassy, they've recently moved and its was also the busiest time of the year for the number of visa apps.

    so people on here have been waiting around 10wks or more on average for a settlement visa.. so you'll have to wait your turn, like everyone else

    at least your husband is not paying for it

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    at least your husband is not paying for it

  4. #4
    Respected Member reginacarlson's Avatar
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    What I meant was I'm married to a French national working in UK, so my husband is there and I'm here at Manila waiting for my visa...

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    hey dom, it's twice as bad when you have the privilege of paying to wait, worse in my case, paid for 2 settlement visa's, £1000 and having to wait 3 months

    and i wonder how long will the family permit be as it is now, its open to abuse, and I wonder how many countries of the union will put their own immigration laws first before European law.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    hey dom, it's twice as bad when you have the privilege of paying to wait, worse in my case, paid for 2 settlement visa's, £1000 and having to wait 3 months

    and i wonder how long will the family permit be as it is now, its open to abuse, and I wonder how many countries of the union will put their own immigration laws first before European law.
    I know, mate.

    I also think that the situation is stacked against the Brits, with genuine claims.

    But on the other hand, if you were to live in one of the other EEA countries, you would have the same rights.

    The problem for you would be that you would still a settlement visa for the Mrs once you did decide to return to the UK for good.
    Vastly unfair.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    But on the other hand, if you were to live in one of the other EEA countries, you would have the same rights.
    i don't think all the union go by the same rules and some put their own immigration laws or parts of the own laws before union laws. you cannot have a union where there is one law for all, and yet some countries keep their own immigration laws at the same time, its and causes conflict.

    I'm not so sure about that, I've heard of a few cases where people have been refused family permits, and not because of fraud or marriage of convenience..

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