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Thread: Birth Cert of My Daughter

  1. #1
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    Birth Cert of My Daughter

    I am applying for a fiancee visa. Together with my 10 yrs old daughter. And I am annulled already. My concern is, do I have to change her name? ( to my maiden name, to change her name need to have a Court Order,And it is a long process :-(( ). I already change mine, my New Passport. The DFA will not give her New Passport because they want a Court Order. Is British Embassy is Keen to that Problem? I mean we are different surname in passport. Or do I have to change it or at is her Old Passport. But I have all the supporting documents. And Evidences.
    BTW My BF and I are so In love. And eager to be together now. for 4 yrs in relationship. And met twice in person. He love my daughter so much and thats the reason we will include her in our application. Even we know it is very tough. But so far we have strong evidence. And still deeply In love.

    Hoping we can get an answers,that bothers my mind.

    We visited lots of site even the British Embassy websites.

  2. #2
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    I would guess that her birth certificate, your marriage/annulment certificates and your court order fr change of name must be more than enough evidence.

  3. #3
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    HI Sheila,welcome to the forum i was searching forum and saw your thread and saw your ID and i said ,is this Ady's fiancee,glad to see you here on the forum

    Back to your concern,i don't think you need to change it,as you mention u had enough evidence, that will do,cause in the UK we only need is proof of evidence,
    Goodluck shei

  4. #4
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    hi shiela,

    welcome to the forum, i agree w/ jed and peter, i guess, even if you dont change the surname of your daughter in her birth certificate,as long as you have supporting documents, it will be fine...

    Goodluck and all the best.

    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  5. #5
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    HI There PeterB, jedc143 and jbt

    Thanks a lot for the Warm Welcome and the advice and the opinions. It is very helpful for us. Yes Jed it is Me, Ady's Fiance. He convinced me to join here and post my concern. ^^ and I am glad you guys helped me. Actually i asked here already.I mean like Travel Agency whom they cater legal advices in Visa's and Immigrations. And same advice as you. And I am confident now and Ady regarding my daughter's documents.
    Thanks again for the wishes...hope we can make it. We been a lot of hardship and deserve to be Happy.
    Again thanks a lot and have a nice day.

    shei ^^

  6. #6
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    In UK it is easy to change ones name on everything except on a birth certificate. That is impossible. In Phil as in UK it is usual, although in UK not a legal necessity, for a woman to change her name on marriage. Again this will mean she will eventually have all her documentation in her 'new' name, but not her birth certificate. So your daughter having a different name from you cannot matter.

    In Spain a woman does not take her husbands name when she marries. All Spanish have two surnames. The first is the first surname of the father the second the first surname of the mother. Thus Mr Gonzales Lopez and Mrs Perez Milan's children will be Gonzales Perez. In a way its surprising that the Spanish way did not prevail in Phil, following their 300 years of being the colonial power.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes you don't need to change your daughters name/passport, my stepson uses his moms maiden name, no problems at all getting a visa or FLR/ILR

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