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Thread: child passport and va4 settlement visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    child passport and va4 settlement visa

    hello everyone

    im just 4 months away from submitting 2 applications for my filipino wife and child to come to uk as spouse. it is quite daunting all the requirements but im sure i will get there in the end.

    i have A son named Ben and now 2 years ...was born in davao philippines and presumably a filipino citizen even though he was born of a british national father and filipino wife. I am informed that he is entitled to a british passport???

    if so then the ECO fee would be cheaper . can anyone advise me if this is correct. The next question do i complete a VA4 form for settlement too for the child.

    Final question on the VA4 it mentions DNA test required possibly. Do you reccommend that i have these tests completed before hand.

    many thanks for any help on these questions

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I take it your named as the father your child's birth cert ? was you married b4 or after he was born ?

    but basically if you was born in the uk , then your child born in the phils is British by descent. and you can register and apply for a British passport for the child.

    yes settlement visa is £515 for each person, so you can save yourself the £515- the cost of a British passport for the child, also you will save £200+ when it comes to naturalisation for the child.

    i don't think you need to complete the va4 form for the child if you get him a british passport, but you can put your child details down on your wife's form.

    DNA tests, i dont think you need that. if your named as the father on the birth cert that should be good enough.

  3. #3
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    many thanks for your reply and assisting me with these questions. yes we were married 2 years before the birth of Ben.

    Can i apply for this britsih passort now that im in uk from the passport office . Home office . i have tryed looking for the relevant applictaion form and guidance notes . unable to find at moment


  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    should be no problems getting a passport then..

    nope i don't think you can apply in the uk, has to be at the British embassy in the phils..

    i think they will want your birth cert, marriage cert, maybe a copy of your passport, and your wife's. and childs birth cert etc..

    you need to get your wife to phone the embassy and check what form and evidence you need to send.

  5. #5
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    Hello there mate! my daughter get her British passport at Cebu by the help of consul Moya. it only takes 10 days.
    For more convenience, get your son also a Philippine passport so that he don't need to pay for exit clearance when he travel back to the UK. My daughter have Philippine passport as well, so we save 2500 pesos for her exit clearance only my hubby which he paid 1800 pesos as an exit tax coz he been staying in Philippines for 18months.Coz at first I didnt show to the Immigration her Philippine passport,so they ask me to pay for her exit clearance.So I ask why do she need to pay when she is born in Philippines,so they ask me if she have Philippine passport,so I gave them her passport and thats it, I save 2,500...

  6. #6
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    thanks for useful information. I am now in uk and my family still in davao so i was wondering if i can contact the uk border agency to get passport for the child or must i go through the british embassy in manila and ask for appliaction forms etc. i really dont know what procedure to take

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    thanks for useful information. I am now in uk and my family still in davao so i was wondering if i can contact the uk border agency to get passport for the child or must i go through the british embassy in manila and ask for appliaction forms etc. i really dont know what procedure to take
    I am pretty sure that you will have to go through the Embassy.

    Others will give you better info on that.

    Good luck and welcome.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    thanks for useful information. I am now in uk and my family still in davao so i was wondering if i can contact the uk border agency to get passport for the child or must i go through the british embassy in manila and ask for appliaction forms etc. i really dont know what procedure to take
    told you already , no you can't apply for a passport in the uk, has to be in the phils

  9. #9
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    thanks again . sorry that i repeated myself. i was just hoping that just mayb e i can apply directly from uk. Now i underatnd that i must go through the british embassy in manila

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    on the uk passport app form, it states 'this form is for British applicants in the UK, if you live abroad, contact your nearest embassy, consulate or high commision for another form, .........'

    why not give the passport adviceline a call on
    0870 521 0410 and double check. and also maybe they can tell you the name of the form in the phils..

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