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Thread: Spouse Visa

  1. #1
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    Spouse Visa

    Hi all,
    Long story short, waiting around for all sorts of things and finally think we are ready to apply for the visa. But then we find out they is a typo on the marriage certificate and her date of birth is incorrect by a few days. Been told it’s going to take 3 months for them to fix this with the NSO, of course we are both heartbroken.
    Question is would they care that they is a type of just this once document? When everything else is in order? Would they understand it was just a mistake or do we have to wait till it’s all sorted out before applying?

    Kind Regards, I know I don’t post much, so any info/ replies would be great

  2. #2
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    It's a long story, but Ruby's birth certificate has the wrong surname on it. We're currently going through the process of getting a court order to remove the incorrect entry from the registers. After that we should be able to get a certificate with the correct name.

    However, we have worked around this problem for Ruby's UK visa, our marriage, and my Filipino visa by using an affidavit signed by her mum.

    Perhaps you could do the same - an affidavit can be produced in minutes for only a few hundred pesos.

  3. #3
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steer View Post
    Hi all,
    Long story short, waiting around for all sorts of things and finally think we are ready to apply for the visa. But then we find out they is a typo on the marriage certificate and her date of birth is incorrect by a few days. Been told it’s going to take 3 months for them to fix this with the NSO, of course we are both heartbroken.
    Question is would they care that they is a type of just this once document? When everything else is in order? Would they understand it was just a mistake or do we have to wait till it’s all sorted out before applying?

    Kind Regards, I know I don’t post much, so any info/ replies would be great
    Hi Steve, its best to fix the errors now.

    The VFS office does all the preprocessing, background checking etc, before submitting the documents to the ECO. They will surely contact you if there are errors and may request you to submit the updated copy when available.

    You have to do it anyway I suppose.

    For the wait, if you can afford it, take another holiday. 3 months is a long wait.


  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    The affidavit sounds like a good work around for now. but long term you defintely need to fix it.
    For example in the uk you may need it for bank accounts, schgen visas, national insurance and other occasions. A mistake like that may cause a problem an the most unexpected moment.

  5. #5
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    Yes i understand it does need fixing, I just did not want that added delay to the visa app. So i guess we can try the affidavit route.
    Would love to go back over and i expect it would ease the pain, but i've used up my annual leave till april :(

  6. #6
    Respected Member menchkin's Avatar
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    I also had a problem with my birth certificate. There was a clerical error in my first name.When I requested for the correction of clerical error the whole process took 5 months to be completed. I did the request for correction soon after I got engaged and it was completed just in time for our marriage license application.
    Jer. 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future"

  7. #7
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    Typo errors in the Phils is common problem which is annoying that you can't just change it. I am one of those who got a problem on my BC with the wrong spelling with just one letter from V to B (It gives me a hard time most of the time back in the Phils) everything I do I need a affidavit. Specially when I applied for my first passport i went thru a lot of hard time to get one as i need to produce loads of docs to prove that I am the same person on my BC. Im using B the correct one on my passport but in my BC its V.

    So even in my MC still the wrong spelling as I can't use the right one w/o the court order. When I submitted my MC in UK embassy in Phils (2004) I included an affidavit again. I haven't change my passport to my husband's name since we got married in 2004 I just ammend it in Phil embassy London so when I applied for my ILR Im worried that I might question on that wrong spelling but they don't as i got my ILR with no problem.

    Then now I am going to apply for my naturalization I am worried again with the same prob. Although my husband is always telling me I have nothing to worry as I am not using my maiden name anymore.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it's common problem here to, some of the who work for the home office here are just as bad, it's disgusting when I get letters from them and they cannot even copy your name correctly, get basic details wrong of what type of visa your applying for etc , if they were a commercial business with competition they wouldn't survive

  9. #9
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flomike View Post
    So even in my MC still the wrong spelling as I can't use the right one w/o the court order
    Really? Our MC has Ruby's correct name on it! We presented the incorrect BC and the affidavit.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Oh dear! thats very common in the Phils. I had a problem with my BC before as well just one letter that was really annoying. I had it fixed before i applied for my visa. It took me 3 months to get the finalization. I just went striaght to the registrar office applied it there and they forwarded it to the nso manila and i waited for 3 months

  11. #11
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Really? Our MC has Ruby's correct name on it! We presented the incorrect BC and the affidavit.

    when i asked the person in municipal registrar if I can use the correct name on my MC he said that we have to follow what's on my BC unless I have a court order to change it bec he said its like falsification of public doc if I do it? Well, that's it I have no choice but to follow what's on my BC bec we're in a hurry as well to get my MC to submit in the embassy Thouhg I wish I just use the right name instead but I can't do anything about it anymore.

    I am thinking of changing it to correct one now but my husband said no need since I am applying for my naturalization soon and since I never had any problem here in UK at all presenting it.

  12. #12
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    If its any consolation, Elsa had exactly the same problem, but it was made worse by her passport being stolen - it took the best part of 8 months to sort the whole mess out before Elsa applied for the Spouse Visa. It was ironic that the Spouse Visa application took only 3 weeks - but that was back in 2005.

    Elsa got lawyer from the local Registrar Office to attach a remark to her BC and this seemed to do the trick.

    I'll echo what others have said - get it fixed now, saves the problems later.

  13. #13
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flomike View Post
    when i asked the person in municipal registrar if I can use the correct name on my MC he said that we have to follow what's on my BC unless I have a court order to change it
    Perhaps we were just lucky, then.

    What name is in your passport? Ruby used the affidavit in 2003 to get a passport in her real name.

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