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Thread: Christmas Memories.

  1. #1
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Smile Christmas Memories.

    Do you remember when Christmas WAS Christmas? I do!

    I remember cracking my nuts - sitting in front of a roaring fire and resting my feet on a pouff - lying awake and hearing Santa in my bedroom tripping over in the darkness and saying 'Oh ......!' (It must have been all that sherry!)

    Selection boxes even SMELLED good in those days - and presents were PROPER presents - they had a magic, nay, a mystique about them - and Christmas was wonderful.

    It even snowed in those days and you would venture outside with scarf and gloves - then return home to put on the rest of your clothes!

    Walking through a virgin - field of snow - and building a REAL snowman who was REALLY human - innocent imagination is a truly wonderful thing that adulthood cruelly takes away from us.

    Christmas crackers contained GOOD toys and jokes and even auntie Marion managed her annual smile along with her instantly forgettable gift of socks and hankies!

    Christmas dinner was GENUINE food with no sell by dates and E numbers - the turkey cooked in real animal fat which would, of course, kill you today, but strangely did not back then - yet today we are healthier?

    School holidays lasted FOREVER!!! Sadly, since decimalisation and middle age, a fortnight now only lasts for a couple of days.

    But, you know, the thing I REALLY miss about 'Christmas Past' is that there was love and magic in the air.

    Where has that gone?

    Merry Christmas everyone, when it comes.

    Don't miss the next exciting instalment - 'When Easter Eggs were made of REAL chocolate'


  2. #2
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Indeed, Christmas did use to be magical ....

    Unfortunately we've grown older, have more responsibilities, and the government do their best to prevent us enjoying life!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Indeed, Christmas did use to be magical ....

    Unfortunately we've grown older, have more responsibilities, and the government do their best to prevent us enjoying life!
    How true!


  4. #4
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    I already have Christmas memories - for 2009!! When I was in Manila in September Christmas music was already playing in the shopping malls, and decorations being put up in the hotel I was staying in. No snow around though.....

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Do you remember when Christmas WAS Christmas? I do!

    I remember cracking my nuts - sitting in front of a roaring fire and resting my feet on a pouff - lying awake and hearing Santa in my bedroom tripping over in the darkness and saying 'Oh ......!' (It must have been all that sherry!)

    Selection boxes even SMELLED good in those days - and presents were PROPER presents - they had a magic, nay, a mystique about them - and Christmas was wonderful.

    It even snowed in those days and you would venture outside with scarf and gloves - then return home to put on the rest of your clothes!

    Walking through a virgin - field of snow - and building a REAL snowman who was REALLY human - innocent imagination is a truly wonderful thing that adulthood cruelly takes away from us.

    Christmas crackers contained GOOD toys and jokes and even auntie Marion managed her annual smile along with her instantly forgettable gift of socks and hankies!

    Christmas dinner was GENUINE food with no sell by dates and E numbers - the turkey cooked in real animal fat which would, of course, kill you today, but strangely did not back then - yet today we are healthier?

    School holidays lasted FOREVER!!! Sadly, since decimalisation and middle age, a fortnight now only lasts for a couple of days.

    But, you know, the thing I REALLY miss about 'Christmas Past' is that there was love and magic in the air.

    Where has that gone?

    Merry Christmas everyone, when it comes.

    Don't miss the next exciting instalment - 'When Easter Eggs were made of REAL chocolate'

    Ah, the ghost of Christmas Past. Your next two nights dreams might not be so pleasant Al.


  6. #6
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Maybe not Iain - but I laid in bed the other night and thought of the Christmas Carols I had heard in Gaisano Mall that very day!!! I thought - why Christmas now?
    Then I thought of how magical Christmas used to be. What has happened mate? Where has Christmas gone?


  7. #7
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Maybe not Iain - but I laid in bed the other night and thought of the Christmas Carols I had heard in Gaisano Mall that very day!!! I thought - why Christmas now?
    Then I thought of how magical Christmas used to be. What has happened mate? Where has Christmas gone?

    Well..... Once you've realised that Father Chrismas doesn't really exist it's just all buggered up after that I suppose.


  8. #8
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Maybe not Iain - but I laid in bed the other night and thought of the Christmas Carols I had heard in Gaisano Mall that very day!!! I thought - why Christmas now?
    Then I thought of how magical Christmas used to be. What has happened mate? Where has Christmas gone?

    Wii, playstations, computers etc. instead of Bikes, footballs and other outdoor social presents, simple community happiness created magic at Christmas

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    For a moment I thought somehow i had missed on Christmas 08 when reading the title of the Thread

    As a kid my biggest memory of Christmas was Noel Emonds and the Two Ronnies, mentally scared for life, I think that explains a lot

  10. #10
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    Tell you what Al, try putting your false knashers under your pillow at night, the tooth fairy might come, and, if your lucky you might see up her skirt. I reckon thats where Christmas past has been hidden.

    If anyone else has any suggestions let me know.

    But here is a fact. If you want to remember what Christmas is like, close your eyes, lie back until you comfortable and sniff some tinsel, it has that Christmas smell all over it.

  11. #11
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Mince pie body lotion for my Honey has solved that problem
    Absit invidia

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