My queen is pregnant!
We had our first scan today and she is officially 15 weeks and 2 days pregnant.Our son is due on April 14.
Wow, can he kick! It was amazing seeing his heart beating so rapidly and his left arm cooly placed behind his head, living it up large while kicking out incessantly! So cute! He may get into the Arsenal under 16s football team by end of next year.
I am thinking of taking Pia back to da Phils prior to our son being born as we are not sure when we will feel comfortable to take the little one.
That leads me to some questions:
- How did you feel about your antenatal classes
- Was your hubby/partner included in discussions with midwife etc?
- How old was your baby when you took them home?
- How did you best manage the conditions being different to here, especially those from the most remote provinces?
Pia will be 24 plus weeks when we celebrate our 1st anniversary on 28th December. We will be planning a party in Leeds and those able to come will be most welcome.
We are over the moon with joy but also think of those that have not yet conceived but want to. Be patient and use your time wisely to prepare before your time comes. We also pray for those who are currently expecting; your time is also coming too!
God bless you all!!
I originally wrote a very long post which then disappeared when I went to send it! C'est la vie.![]()