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Thread: What's "wrong" with UK women?

  1. #1
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    What's "wrong" with UK women?

    May I ask the kind gentlemen here what they see in Filipinas that are lacking in British/Scottish/Welsh women?

    I have an English girl for a close friend and she's very nice to me. She has a good temperament, dresses modestly, and delivers a clever banter from time to time. A childhood friend of hers works as a part-time missionary here in the PI and both of them are more or less split peas in attitude and demeanor. Do they display typical behaviors seen in today's UK women or are they as rare as pearls in the sand?

    I can't say outright that they're better than Filipinas or the other way around. In my personal preference, I just find white women more attractive than Filipinas.


  2. #2
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    Most Filipina wives are submissive, hard working, good housekeeper, family oriented, caring, hospitable, and faithful.
    Yes western women are more attractive but Filipina having a small built body, their figure are far more attractive as most westerners have big body built that looks masculine and looks older than their actual age.
    Filipinas,having a not too white or pale skintone, but not too dark, just a perfect tone that looks more attractive than most westerners who looks so pale in the winter and in summer most of them their skin have loads of freckles/ blemishes because of too much sunshine.

  3. #3
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srvfan View Post

    May I ask the kind gentlemen here what they see in Filipinas that are lacking in British/Scottish/Welsh women?

    I have an English girl for a close friend and she's very nice to me. She has a good temperament, dresses modestly, and delivers a clever banter from time to time. A childhood friend of hers works as a part-time missionary here in the PI and both of them are more or less split peas in attitude and demeanor. Do they display typical behaviors seen in today's UK women or are they as rare as pearls in the sand?

    I can't say outright that they're better than Filipinas or the other way around. In my personal preference, I just find white women more attractive than Filipinas.

    No British/Scottish/Welsh women woman has every fed me a morsel of fish liver whilst suggesting with her eyebrows she cant wait to wash up speedily and then make inventive demands on my libido ....and thats just the maid the the G/F is Divine
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  4. #4
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    Toyang, I don't really agree with your generalisations
    Your post was frankly off the mark, incorrect and unobservant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    Most Filipina wives are submissive, hard working, good housekeeper, family oriented, caring, hospitable, and faithful.
    Nope, my wife is not submissive.
    Yes, she speaks quietly but tells me when I am wrong. I listen

    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    Yes western women are more attractive but

    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    as most westerners have big body built that looks masculine and looks older than their actual age.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    Filipinas,having a not too white or pale skintone, but not too dark, just a perfect tone
    My wife has nice coloured skin but I see so many different shades of skin in the Phils.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    most of them their skin have loads of freckles/ blemishes because of too much sunshine.
    Totally incorrect IMO

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by srvfan View Post

    May I ask the kind gentlemen here what they see in Filipinas that are lacking in British/Scottish/Welsh women?

    I have an English girl for a close friend and she's very nice to me. She has a good temperament, dresses modestly, and delivers a clever banter from time to time. A childhood friend of hers works as a part-time missionary here in the PI and both of them are more or less split peas in attitude and demeanor. Do they display typical behaviors seen in today's UK women or are they as rare as pearls in the sand?

    I can't say outright that they're better than Filipinas or the other way around. In my personal preference, I just find white women more attractive than Filipinas.

    Good question srvfan.
    From my own perspective, and if we assume that love is the reason that we want to spend the rest of our lives with our Mahal, I was very impressed with my girlfriend (who became my wife ) when she said "'Till death us do part" much earlier than the wedding . It was the sheer totality and depth of feelings that overwhelmed me.

    I had never felt such a constant force as a Filipina's love.
    It was awe-inspiring and so easy to reciprocate.
    I felt spiritually awakened, and I am an atheist . It wasn't anything to do with earthly passing phases such as religions, it was feelings of destiny and being one with the cosmos, she made me feel like we were always destined to be together.

    Apart from anything else, I had never felt love the way it constantly washed over me from every sense. It wasn't momentary delight but put me in a place where I had never been so happy, and still feel the same, even though the months are rolling on without her in this seemingly endless BIG wait.

    To cap it all off, the love of a good woman is like a "Texas Flood", which I know you will understand srv fan

  6. #6
    Member nomorericepleas's Avatar
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    i'd tend to agree with aposhark on most points raised, but i understand what the toyang is getting at. My fiancee is really quite ballsy and not what i expected to find in the philippines. However, when i manage to get her into a good mood she is as described, hard-working, loyal, loving and very devoted.

    I did make an attempt to meet Uk women before i looked abroad, but i found them really quite spoiled and ofcourse wanting to be a mans equal, which of course they can never be I found them stroppy and difficult to talk to, and they made it feel like a job interview trying to get to know them. Maybe i was just unlucky with the ones i met, but i tend to think it was fate dealing me a better hand elsewhere.

    Obviously plenty of guys meet and get on very well with british women. Somehow i couldnt.I think also they looked down on me as i am only a humble gardener, whereas a filipina doesnt seem to care what you do or how old you are as long as you care for them. No stereotypes to stick to over there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    whilst suggesting with her eyebrows
    We could all write a book about that Keith, but if we did, we'd miss those eyebrows suggesting even more things. That would be such a waste

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    Quote Originally Posted by nomorericepleas View Post
    i'd tend to agree with aposhark on most points raised, but i understand what the toyang is getting at. My fiancee is really quite ballsy and not what i expected to find in the philippines. However, when i manage to get her into a good mood she is as described, hard-working, loyal, loving and very devoted.

    I did make an attempt to meet Uk women before i looked abroad, but i found them really quite spoiled and ofcourse wanting to be a mans equal, which of course they can never be I found them stroppy and difficult to talk to, and they made it feel like a job interview trying to get to know them. Maybe i was just unlucky with the ones i met, but i tend to think it was fate dealing me a better hand elsewhere.

    Obviously plenty of guys meet and get on very well with british women. Somehow i couldnt.I think also they looked down on me as i am only a humble gardener, whereas a filipina doesnt seem to care what you do or how old you are as long as you care for them. No stereotypes to stick to over there.

    I travelled overseas for many years and what struck me was the amount of men I met who said that marrying their Filipinas was the best thing they had ever done.
    These comments rested in my mind but I never really believed them as life couldn't be that good Still, these sentiments kept coming but I only really understood after spending many hours in the company of my shy girlfriend who became my less shy wife

  9. #9
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srvfan View Post

    May I ask the kind gentlemen here what they see in Filipinas that are lacking in British/Scottish/Welsh women?

    I have an English girl for a close friend and she's very nice to me. She has a good temperament, dresses modestly, and delivers a clever banter from time to time. A childhood friend of hers works as a part-time missionary here in the PI and both of them are more or less split peas in attitude and demeanor. Do they display typical behaviors seen in today's UK women or are they as rare as pearls in the sand?

    I can't say outright that they're better than Filipinas or the other way around. In my personal preference, I just find white women more attractive than Filipinas.

    Hi srvfan,Are you a filipino? coz if you are no doubt why you find english girl attractive which is fair they are but you know what I cant blame you saying that and to tell you what, filipinas whos married to english men have the right reason on why they choose british men coz there much better than pinoyssowi no hurt feelings
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Nothing what so ever wrong with British women. I just happened to meet my Missus who was born in laguna not London.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    Most Filipina wives are submissive, hard working, good housekeeper, family oriented, caring, hospitable, and faithful.
    Yes western women are more attractive but Filipina having a small built body, their figure are far more attractive as most westerners have big body built that looks masculine and looks older than their actual age.
    Filipinas,having a not too white or pale skintone, but not too dark, just a perfect tone that looks more attractive than most westerners who looks so pale in the winter and in summer most of them their skin have loads of freckles/ blemishes because of too much sunshine.
    Umm not in my view

  12. #12
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    The question could be asked why do Pinay go for western men or avoid Pinoy

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
    The question could be asked why do Pinay go for western men or avoid Pinoy
    Or why do some guys like blondes and others brunettes

  14. #14
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
    The question could be asked why do Pinay go for western men or avoid Pinoy
    or vice versa
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  15. #15
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I just love Asian girls generally, they have an inner beauty that British girls don't have, Asian girls are delectable both in character and looks. Talking a British girl is like talking to Vikki Pollard! And looking at a British girl is like looking at potato with a pair of knickers on! .............. They're aren't any British girls on this forum are they're?

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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Nothing what so ever wrong with British women. I just happened to meet my Missus who was born in laguna not London.
    something else we agree on Andy, my misses could have been british, european or from Timbuktu, but she's from Laguna to

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Talking a British girl is like talking to Vikki Pollard! And looking at a British girl is like looking at potato with a pair of knickers on! ..............
    well you should try other places than your local pub

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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I just love Asian girls generally, they have an inner beauty that British girls don't have, Asian girls are delectable both in character and looks. Talking a British girl is like talking to Vikki Pollard! And looking at a British girl is like looking at potato with a pair of knickers on! .............. They're aren't any British girls on this forum are they're?
    Wait till cruisingkerry come back on.......

    You just signed your death warrant....

    Now..... If you were to paypal me a few quid, I would kinda of lose and delete your posts....

  19. #19
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Wait till cruisingkerry come back on.......

    You just signed your death warrant....

    Now..... If you were to paypal me a few quid, I would kinda of lose and delete your posts....
    Daaaa I'm not bothered! British women are all like this..little-britain-vicki-pollard.jpg

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  20. #20
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Asian girls are like this:2815322503_3a16741cf4.jpg

    Decisions! Decisions!

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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Asian girls are like this:2815322503_3a16741cf4.jpg

    Decisions! Decisions!

    No wonder the post has been delivered late for a long time....

  22. #22
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I was in London not long ago and there seems to be so many Asian girls living here now, I was in heaven I was, it's hard to like British women again when there's girls as pretty as this!yuyfujy.jpg

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  23. #23
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Or why do some guys like blondes and others brunettes
    Exactly we just fall in love with the person we fall in love with....

  24. #24
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Nothing what so ever wrong with British women. I just happened to meet my Missus who was born in laguna not London.
    my husband is not part of this forum so he can't share his views but for sure he is a very lucky man married to a woman from Laguna go go laguna girls!!! and i am very lucky woman married to a Yorkshire man:cwm12

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    Some Filipina's are better than some UK women, some UK women are better than some Filipinas.

    It depends on a lot more than how they look. It;s about personality, demeanour etc. It doesn't matter were my wife is from, she just happened to be born on the Philippines and moved to the UK with a job. We met in my local pub and haven't looked back since.

    She could have been from anywhere, next door, Australia, Ghana, South America. Her nationality was not and is not part of the equation. It is who she is that makes me love her.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I just love Asian girls generally, they have an inner beauty that British girls don't have, Asian girls are delectable both in character and looks. Talking a British girl is like talking to Vikki Pollard! And looking at a British girl is like looking at potato with a pair of knickers on! .............. They're aren't any British girls on this forum are they're?

    Im telling your Mum

  27. #27
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I was fortunate in being married to a really good Scottish lady for 24 years before being widowed in 1991 at the age of 47. In the intervening period, I'd dated literally scores of British women (no, honestly I'm not bragging!) and had never found anyone to quite match up to her standards ... until September 2007, when I started corresponding with a similarly bereaved Filipina from Mindanao. We've continued to communicate by email on a regular daily basis ever since and always find plenty to say to one another. Indeed, the "conversation" just seems to flow naturally on almost every topic imaginable.

    In September of this year, I travelled out to the Phils to meet the lady, and it was as if I'd been lucky enough to have known her all my life! There was absolutely no strangeness between us whatsoever, and we spent the most wonderful three weeks together. In fact, I'm returning to Tagum in a few weeks' time, equipped with my CNI in order that we can, at least partially, fulfil our plans to marry and bring her back to the UK subject to her being granted a spousal visa. She is extremely well-educated, having taught for more than 22 years in a Government High School and, hopefully, she will be able to resume her teaching career across here.

    So yes, based on MY own experience, there's most definitely a great deal of truth in what has been said in favour of Asian women - particularly Filipinas - because my lady has demonstrated her unquestionable loyalty and affection for me in many, many ways that British women (again, in my experience) seem incapable of showing.

  28. #28
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    but guys to be honest almost half of what i seen asian girls here are pangit correct me if i am wrong

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I just love Asian girls generally, they have an inner beauty that British girls don't have, Asian girls are delectable both in character and looks. Talking a British girl is like talking to Vikki Pollard! And looking at a British girl is like looking at potato with a pair of knickers on! .............. They're aren't any British girls on this forum are they're?
    yeah but... yeah but...yeah but?!?

  30. #30
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    What's "Wrong" With British women?

    Nothing really! I was fortunate enough to be happily married to one for 24 years before being widowed in 1991 at the comparatively early age of 47. In the period since, I'd dated literally scores of British women (and, no, I'm not bragging ... honestly!) but never seemed to meet anyone who matched up to her standards ... until September 2007, when I began corresponding with a similarly bereaved Filipina lady from Mindanao, with whom I continued to communicate by email on a regular daily basis for a whole year - throughout which time, the "conversation" flowed naturally between us on all manner of topics. We soon discovered that we shared many of the same qualities, and steadily built up a good online relationship.

    So much so, that I travelled out to the Phils last month to meet her. Each of us more than lived up to the other's expectations. Indeed, from the moment we first met in person at Davao International Airport, there were absolutely no feelings of "strangeness"; it was almost as if we'd known one another all our adult lives, and we spent a wonderful three weeks together.

    In fact, I shall be returning to her homeland towards the end of November in order to at least partially fulfil our plans to marry - subject to her (hopefully) being granted a spousal visa to enable her to live with me in the UK. She is a highly intelligent lady of mature years, who has taught in a Government High School since the late 1980s, and would very much like to resume her teaching career (if this is possible) on coming over to Scotland.

    Now, far from "condemning" the entire British female species, it has to be said that it's been a long, long time since I've experienced such unswerving loyalty and affection from another human being. Likewise, I don't mean to be critical of Western women but, yes, by and large, they could learn a lot from their Far Eastern counterparts.

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