Hello, hello....
Sorry, sorry, for not posting any news about me this past few weeks, ive just been very very busy

, but ill give you all an update
On Sept 28, we travelled to Kendal to attend the Christening of Irene's daughter, Erica and at last in almost a year we've seen each other again. Met new friends called Peter and Love, (they are members here in the forum

October came, i started reading my book for the Life in the UK test. Until now i did not stop holding my books, i almost memorized all the chapters because i was so stressed, literally stressed out on doing my test, so I booked it last week. As the days go by, i felt exhausted waiting for the day of my test
Today arrived, were on the way to Dundee where im going to take my test, i was so nervous, especially when we arrived too early for the appointment, (which is surprising to me

). when the time came, it was really nerve racking waiting for the testing, i was glad that i spotted this nice lady who was a Filipino. And for the first time since i lived in Scotland i can say that there are a few Filipino that will be nice to me.

We had our little chat on our way in the room and learned that we are just living a few miles apart

As we took the test my heart was palpating fast as normal, and my hands were sweating, as i took the test and finished it, waiting is a very very hard time, because as if we are waiting for the verdict of the jury

When they called out my name, with a big grin on the supervisor's face and saying at the same time!

Thank God for that i was so relieved I called my husband to tell him that i'd passed it, and to my surprise he bought me a nice denim jacket that we had spotted before the test
As to my husband thank you for all the support, im very proud of my Mr. Jock

And thats me im not really happy am i?

This is the Kilt whirling husband here, I'm very proud of my little pocket rocket Cristina, love her to bits xxx