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Thread: Bad Mood Friday

  1. #1
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Angry Bad Mood Friday

    I'm bad mood today! It's because to my general, boss, major, colonel boyfriend! He is starting to be non sense again! He is demanding again things over me.... I'm still single yes I'm taken and engaged to him but it doesn't mean that he will rule over me..! I guess it's not fair.. REALLY NOT FAIR... I'm still working because I want to enjoy my life and I want to do things that I like! I want to enjoy more my life here!!!!!

    Why he will always said all his sentiments that happened to him before daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's past why he always think of those grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . Is this the attitude of older men? Well he is not that old he is only 9 years older than me but sometimes he acts over the top with no point... Acting non-sensed!!!!!

    I just want to let out my anger today... hayyyyy I'm sure tonight we will argue this things over and over...

  2. #2
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    opsssssssssssssss....i don't know if it's actually the reason of being old that is why he acted to be as is base on individual personality on how he handles his feelings without someone get affected....NOR not just because of his damn past life that makes him well unreasonable in some point. Everybody has its own bitter past, we hurtfully feel such pain in any way, but instead of worrying and passing the judgement to someone whom you are currently involves in, uhmm yeah, i guess its not that fair at all....he must have to know how to control over his feelings without you get affected and leave all those bitterness in life, in order for him to be fully happy and has enough TRUST and CONFIDENCE he must learn how to face what is for TODAY,TOMMOROW and for the years to come , get burried all what happened for YESTERDAY.

    My husband had a trauma of committing someone after having such pain living with his ex that was before i came of course...he told me more about his damn past, hurts double twice but he is happy more than since we've met and willing to get over the pain once someone is there to love you more...nowwwwwwwww when he remembers all those past he just smiles and say everything is worth to remember because I appeared on when times he is in pain. As for today and for the years to come we are happy and much content without worrying too much about the past.........

    I hope you both can settle things in a mature way which i believe you both can....maybe its just part of trials that each and everyone is entitled to......explain out to him in a calm gently way, speak out your rights, let him understand your weaknesses and so you to him.....................

  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    ooopsss is it the time of the month amyburple?
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  4. #4
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    ooopsss is it the time of the month amyburple?

    hehehehe he say sorry already sis.. we're fine since last night (Saturday night) bu Friday night and Saturday morning we're not chatty mode....

  5. #5
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing marylen... yea trauma which is I guess it's hard to forget because it's already in his system..

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    I'm bad mood today! It's because to my general, boss, major, colonel boyfriend! He is starting to be non sense again! He is demanding again things over me.... I'm still single yes I'm taken and engaged to him but it doesn't mean that he will rule over me..! I guess it's not fair.. REALLY NOT FAIR... I'm still working because I want to enjoy my life and I want to do things that I like! I want to enjoy more my life here!!!!!

    Why he will always said all his sentiments that happened to him before daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's past why he always think of those grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . Is this the attitude of older men? Well he is not that old he is only 9 years older than me but sometimes he acts over the top with no point... Acting non-sensed!!!!!

    I just want to let out my anger today... hayyyyy I'm sure tonight we will argue this things over and over...
    Hi Amy, Not sure what your problems are and they are private anyway, but they always say that compromise is the only way forward.
    We must all back down sometimes, even when we don't feel like doing so.
    Compromise is only a word but the concept can be so hard to put into practice
    It's often when the talking and communication stops that problems are so hard to fix
    Hope it all works out well for you and your bf

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Aposharks advice is good also bear in mind the pressure on you both being so far away and with all the application tension.

    Take a deep breath and chill, its hard but needs to be done trust those of us who have been in the same situation.

  8. #8
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi Amy, Not sure what your problems are and they are private anyway, but they always say that compromise is the only way forward.
    We must all back down sometimes, even when we don't feel like doing so.
    Compromise is only a word but the concept can be so hard to put into practice
    It's often when the talking and communication stops that problems are so hard to fix
    Hope it all works out well for you and your bf

    yea we're OK now... well has attitude like that too demanding, too many questions which I hate so many questions ... He wants detail explanation sometimes but we're ok now actually we're talking right now laughing and laughing... we had only miscom just a day and that's it...

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