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  1. #1
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    Adjustments To New Country

    A girl from Cebu coming to a big city (in France)to live with her husband is sad. She never been away from her family for her 23 years life.
    Before, she is with Mommy, Daddy, kuya, ate ,lolo and lola.

    Now she is in a nice comfortable bed, but alone.

    Husband is at work, she do not have anyone to talk to.
    She tries to watch tv, its french language, there's english but only BBC and CNN. She tries pc connection with family, in Philipines its midnight.
    She tries to go around the city, once, she was lost in the street.

    Cant ask anybody.Two weeks, how can you learn a new language?

    She missed her family, despite less food and comfort, they do the karaoke together.She do not find any filipina in the area too! Then the cold is getting her up, its nearly Winter, she is in the North !

    What advice we can give to her?
    Cant blame, she is adjusting her life to a new country.


  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by francesca

    Cant ask anybody.Two weeks, how can you learn a new language?


    What advice we can give to her? ........

    Suggest that she looks for the book - Hugo's French in Three Months - and learn her French language from that - It is set out in short daily sessions and will keep her busy during her 'time alone'

    Very difficult for her - she should join here just for the chat and to know that there are other girls in similar circumstances

  3. #3
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    She tries pc connection with family, in Philipines its midnight.
    She missed her family, despite less food and comfort, they do the karaoke together
    Why not talk to her family during in the morning her time, since its afternoon here? Chat thru Ym or MSn as it has a video calling. i know it will takes long for her to adjusts the environment...hope she will find something new to make her busy!
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    After seeing my Wifes reaction to visting France i see what tough situation we have.

    In the UK the street and shop signs are easy for most phills to read and most of the locals can be understood. Although it took a while for the Wife to understand some accents and the slang used.

    My Wife looked lost when she could not read what a shop sold at a glance. But in a few days she learned an amazing amiount of french. I knew this might be the case as I had a friend at school who although british had grown up in spain. On his first day at school back in the uk he had a french lesson, where we had a basic test of words from french to english and english to french. He did ok with no knowledge of french he gained a score in the 40 to 50 percent region, all based on sheer guess work.

    Does she like Flims as she might be able to find with DVDs she can find ones where she can get ones both with english audio and french subtitles and viceversa which might help her picked up French while being entertained for a few hours.

    If the Couple live near the UK the Husband might be able to picked up British TV. Used to see this in many countries alongside the english channel. That or satalite tv if the couple have the money, abs have a ser vice but i can't coment on the cost in france.
    Im not sure about france but in the UK TV channels are starting to be shown online. I think some Phill channels may do the same for a small fee.

    Both Wave 89.1 and magic 89.9 have online webstreams so you can listen to the radio live. My Wife listens to them and i know others have mentioned other stations are avaible with different tastes catered for.

    Once she picks up French she should have a advantage in the job market that she speaks English, which all workers in the tourist trade need to speak it seems.

    My Wife also found that living in a cold country the worst thing was the affect on her skin which we stopped with plenty of Moistureriser etc. Maybe worth her finding the right ones now to stop her being affected as the weather changes. The big plus for my wife was she became much paler in the winter, which meant lots of pictures sent home to show to jealous friends.

    The Wife also found it bizzare and a little uncomfortable at first to be wearing so many layers of clothes but soon adapted and realized more items to shop for.

    With regards to Email and being online maybe she can send prerecorded Videos for the famnily to watch of her and the new area and the family can send prerecorded videos to watch as well if unable to be online at the same time?

    Whatever happens one thing is for sure she will adapt phills seem to be remarkable at coping with any situation from my limited experience from being with my Wife and seeing the phills she knows around here.

  5. #5
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    some filipinas think that to go to another country is like a dream come true. But when they are in the country, they complain that it is still better to be in their own home town.
    No one force them to be in a foriegn land.
    They should think more deeply, before doing the move.
    I knew some that after two weeks, they cannot cope up and get depressed and the poor husband has to contact filipinas to chat with his wife!

    I dont know if they have been taking consideration SERIOUSLY the seminar they had at CFO.
    That seminar is not a joke, it is to tell them in advance what to expect when they arrived in the country of destination.

    They should think ahead whats the weather, the culture, the life they would be having before taking the move.

    Plus the costs of having her to her destination.

  6. #6
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by francesca View Post
    some filipinas think that to go to another country is like a dream come true. But when they are in the country, they complain that it is still better to be in their own home town.
    No one force them to be in a foriegn land.
    They should think more deeply, before doing the move.
    I knew some that after two weeks, they cannot cope up and get depressed and the poor husband has to contact filipinas to chat with his wife!

    I dont know if they have been taking consideration SERIOUSLY the seminar they had at CFO.
    That seminar is not a joke, it is to tell them in advance what to expect when they arrived in the country of destination.

    They should think ahead whats the weather, the culture, the life they would be having before taking the move.

    Plus the costs of having her to her destination.
    Relax francesca she is just in the period of adjustment i guess every Filipina/Filipino's experienced that (OFW or married) home sick! it just more intensed on her cuz she is not used to French language which is very difficult to learn... Lets support each other!
    tiger tigress

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  7. #7
    Member ettennom's Avatar
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    ohh... is it really lik that???? have plans of moving ti ireland with my irish bf... we have plans..we can marry here then go there...or go there have a visit then get married there..

    was thinking of having vacation there first so i'll know if i can stay there as when we get married, it is must for him to have his family there because of his business..

    this guy loves me dearly and im a bit scared of going to a foreign land...and because of his love for me, he might not allow me to go back to my country...

    give me some insights please....


  8. #8
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Dear Ettennom

    you can either apply for fiancee visa (6 mos stay in the UK) and get married within those months and reapply for FLR


    get married in the Phil and move to UK afterwards

    its always hard to make big decisions whether
    to leave or not to leave your dear home mother country &
    be with the one you really love.

    dont worry, Filipinos are known to be adaptable and flexible.
    We’re very adaptable race. Overcoming trials and difficulties no matter how hard they are.
    Kahit saan tayo ilagay, magsu-survive at magsu-survive
    Para tayong bubble gum, kahit saan dalhin, dumidikit.


  9. #9
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post

    its always hard to make big decisions whether
    to leave or not to leave your dear home mother country &
    be with the one you really love.

    I've never been separated from my family ( i only left home after my wedding a year ago) but i still live a mile away from them. Thats the reason i dont wanna leave the phils. But then... I have dinner with my parents and siblings almost every night but i feel so alone even when i'm with them. I think im on the way to depression coz im missing my husband alot! ... I guess its true, that "home is where the heart is".
    Faith makes all things possible.
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  10. #10
    Member ettennom's Avatar
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    you do think thats ok??? ima bit confused now..coz i dont know what my life would be in are filipina doing there??? like ur wife? do u allow them to work or just stay at home? my bf told me that he doesn't want me to work for other..he wants me to be in his busines.. but im a teacher here, and doesnt know anything about handling business.

    i hope u can share your views about this.

  11. #11
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ettennom View Post
    you do think thats ok??? ima bit confused now..coz i dont know what my life would be in are filipina doing there??? like ur wife? do u allow them to work or just stay at home? my bf told me that he doesn't want me to work for other..he wants me to be in his busines.. but im a teacher here, and doesnt know anything about handling business.

    i hope u can share your views about this.
    Everything can be learned as long as you wanted to! UK is an English speaking country so i dont think you will have a problem.. its a big move... just ask your self if your ready for these changes in life and make a decision... For myself been employed to a company for 8 years, had the chance and more chance to travel abroud... This is the job i might not get when i move to England but im willing to give it up to be with the love of my life and start a family...
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ettennom View Post
    you do think thats ok??? ima bit confused now..coz i dont know what my life would be in are filipina doing there??? like ur wife? do u allow them to work or just stay at home? my bf told me that he doesn't want me to work for other..he wants me to be in his busines.. but im a teacher here, and doesnt know anything about handling business.

    i hope u can share your views about this.
    hmmm maybe in philippines the guy wears the trousers, but in the UK most wives do, they do what they want, not what their told to do

    i hope we discuss things with my wife, 50-50 ! but i think she always get her way.

    do what you want, if your bf dont like it, its his problem, if he cares and loves you enougth he will let you do what you want or ask what you want

  13. #13
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ettennom View Post
    you do think thats ok??? ima bit confused now..coz i dont know what my life would be in are filipina doing there??? like ur wife? do u allow them to work or just stay at home? my bf told me that he doesn't want me to work for other..he wants me to be in his busines.. but im a teacher here, and doesnt know anything about handling business.

    i hope u can share your views about this.

    accdg to my husband Filipino Kids and English KIds are totally different hehehe... Filipino kids are sweet and kind hehehe and English kids are so


    we kind of have a similar situation, back in the Philly i worked as a parttime preschool teacher and when i moved in here, just recently i helped my husband in his business.. so yeah, so far so good, working together as a team is really perfect...

    hay,im just really happy of our situation now coz its like you wake up in the morning, have breakfast together, go to work together, eat lunch together, tea breaks, and go home... and at the end of the day, youll say "oh what a lovely day"

    you dont have to worry about stuffs, live each day as it comes, enjoy!



  14. #14
    Member ettennom's Avatar
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    thanks for all your insights

    one more qstn.. do u happen to know someone, a filipina marrying a muslim??? thats one of the things bothering me also..altho my bf doesn't think about it that's me who always ask him about the differences of our religion. i am catholic and he is muslim. we talked about it, and he always tells me that in love and marriage, its all the same..we only have one god.

    i know he is open minded when it comes to religion. but still,im a little confused about it. all he asks me is not to cook pork in our haus when we get married. thats it.

    we are planning to meet this year, he is coming in the phil to meet my family. from there, we'll see if we really click and then plans for our wedding.

    hope to hear from you again

    big thanks to all.

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Phil Kids:
    Please Uncle Joe...give me money please...... ...

    UK Kids:
    Give me your money or I'll yer brains out.....
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Phil Kids:
    Please Uncle Joe...give me money please...... ...

    UK Kids:
    Give me your money or I'll yer brains out.....
    Filipina a born survivor!

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