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Thread: Stocks and Shares..?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I've read lots of books about Stock trading etc, but I really need someone who is already successful at it to show me the done thing. 'Cause there's just so, so, many books to read and different ways of trading, and the market is just massive! I can't see the wood for the trees sort of thing..

    Basically I don't think me or anyone could be successful at it without professional coaching...what they do at Traders Uni is give you one to one tuition from an already successful Trader, there's a two day course where they give you the strategy and discipline needed, reading books has helped me to understand a lot of the jargon they use...but I really don't think you can become a trader after reading a load of books..

    I've already started trading and although I've had some winners, I've had too many small losses that are wiping me out! Anyway I'm sure Traders Uni will whip me into shape!

    I hope so anyway!

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  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I've read lots of books about Stock trading etc, but I really need someone who is already successful at it to show me the done thing. 'Cause there's just so, so, many books to read and different ways of trading, and the market is just massive! I can't see the wood for the trees sort of thing..

    Basically I don't think me or anyone could be successful at it without professional coaching...what they do at Traders Uni is give you one to one tuition from an already successful Trader, there's a two day course where they give you the strategy and discipline needed, reading books has helped me to understand a lot of the jargon they use...but I really don't think you can become a trader after reading a load of books..

    I've already started trading and although I've had some winners, I've had too many small losses that are wiping me out! Anyway I'm sure Traders Uni will whip me into shape!

    I hope so anyway!

    As well as knowledge of the market in general you appear to know of how a company really is trading all the whispers etc.

    Not all needs to be from city contacts or the actual company.

    A few weeks ago around 8.45 i was walking past HBOS in Victora st and there was a huge queue outside it.

    A few days later all the news came out about its possible collaspe, same with many of the big stories recently. Its hard to keep any news queit now days and it travels very very quickly once it out.

    From what i have seen alot is being clued up about all that is happening.

    Do you plan to trade for a company or on your own?

    Remeber all the ones working for a firm having massive amounts of information at their finger tips, plus all the conversations and contacts some in the same room.

    Its not all about buying and selling shares betting on their performance is another way which I have done. it helps to have a lot of knowledge of how companies actually are doing

  3. #3
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    for 3.5grand you'd be better off taking a SAP or PMP or someother course that gives you a nice steady income

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    for 3.5grand you'd be better off taking a SAP or PMP or someother course that gives you a nice steady income

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