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Thread: Stocks and Shares..?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I'm really, really hoping it will work for me, statistics show that only 20% of traders make a profit, but those 20% are consistently doing it! So what do successful traders know that we don't? I'll be finding that out in February! Whats really attractive about it for me, is the freedom it will give me, I'm hoping that I can make a success of it so I can give up my job, (many of them do!) I'll have the freedom to travel and earn where ever I go!

    As far as getting information about the market, there are a few websites that provide info, they wont give you the decent info unless you subscribe to their services - but even then you can't see the wood for the tree's sort of thing, Traders Uni will show me how to find stocks worth trading on! (hopefully)

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  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I'm really, really hoping it will work for me, statistics show that only 20% of traders make a profit, but those 20% are consistently doing it!
    I can guarantee you those figures are now massively incorrect. It was easy to make money during the Boom years, now the vast majority are screwed with big losses as they have no idea how to handle losing runs, risk & bank management.

    Same with horse racing, I see it all the time, people get a winning streak and think it is easy, then the downturn, they don't adjust the staking, etc, and lose the lot.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I can guarantee you those figures are now massively incorrect. It was easy to make money during the Boom years, now the vast majority are screwed with big losses as they have no idea how to handle losing runs, risk & bank management.

    Same with horse racing, I see it all the time, people get a winning streak and think it is easy, then the downturn, they don't adjust the staking, etc, and lose the lot.
    Again Im not really a gambler to cautious. But now and then in various fields mainly football, horses, the dogs or Shares wise i hear whispers. Bung a few quid and nearly always they turn up due to the inside info.

    I dont monitor day to day or follow a system. Most is on whispers and for my mearge little stakes makes enough for some days out for the Missus and I.

    Like Mr Admin says from those I have spoken to in the game, you need to expect losses and know how to react.
    Like in any job or life you have good days and bad, its how you cope with them both which is important.

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