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Thread: House Rentals Worthwhile?

  1. #1
    Member nomorericepleas's Avatar
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    Question House Rentals Worthwhile?

    We have a house and lot for sale in Negros, but there seems to be no buyers around at the moment, so i was wondering if it is worthwhile trying to let it out to holiday makers. My fiancee and i will not be living there for the next 2 years, and i currently have to pay someone to babysit the place.

    Can i get a decent rent for a house in Negros and where is the best place to advertise. My fiancee is not too keen on the idea of renting, as she thinks things could get damaged, but it seems like an opportunity wasted to leave it empty for 2 years.

    Any suggestions? I presume there must be some people visiting Negros, and away from dumaguete there isnt much in the way of Hotels. Gap in the market for rent or no?

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    If you rent it out for holiday makers your still need people to keep an eye on it surely and then ensure its spick and span for the next set?

    Instead of paying someone to look after it is there any one you can charge a below market rent to look after the place in return?

  3. #3
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    Yeah,on that way u still have some income,and ask for 2 months deposit,one month advance,don't forget to make a lease of contract, put on the contract that if something damaged,you will get the expenses from the deposit they give,i do that on my house,
    And u can advertise it on a public place (crowded area) or put a sign "for rent" as well on the said property

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nomorericepleas View Post
    We have a house and lot for sale in Negros, but there seems to be no buyers around at the moment, so i was wondering if it is worthwhile trying to let it out to holiday makers. My fiancee and i will not be living there for the next 2 years, and i currently have to pay someone to babysit the place.

    Can i get a decent rent for a house in Negros and where is the best place to advertise. My fiancee is not too keen on the idea of renting, as she thinks things could get damaged, but it seems like an opportunity wasted to leave it empty for 2 years.

    Any suggestions? I presume there must be some people visiting Negros, and away from dumaguete there isnt much in the way of Hotels. Gap in the market for rent or no?
    I think the points i raised here in your last post still need addressing

    You didnt respond to my offer on your invitation to treat???

    You could try advertising free on cebu classifieds (google) proper info and pics would realy help as when I was looking about 80% of properties advertised were not properly described or with photos which wastes an awful amount of time not to mention money in looking at places which are never going to be shortlisted If you need professional help to do this let me know as its one of the things my partner and I are involved with
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    I think the points i raised here in your last post still need addressing

    You didnt respond to my offer on your invitation to treat???

    You could try advertising free on cebu classifieds (google) proper info and pics would realy help as when I was looking about 80% of properties advertised were not properly described or with photos which wastes an awful amount of time not to mention money in looking at places which are never going to be shortlisted If you need professional help to do this let me know as its one of the things my partner and I are involved with
    I noticed when looking at various propties they were poorly presented when advertised for sale or rent.

    With no or little infomation which people investing substantial amounts would require.

  6. #6
    Member nomorericepleas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    If you rent it out for holiday makers your still need people to keep an eye on it surely and then ensure its spick and span for the next set?

    Instead of paying someone to look after it is there any one you can charge a below market rent to look after the place in return?
    in a word, no. i'd love to have someone in there at a very basic rent, because it is money coming in and not going out. i'm now supporting my fiancee and the housesitter. Obviously the house is like a hotel to most people in that area, but we still have to pay to get someone honest to look after it, which my fiancee's family didnt do previously, even though we paid them too

  7. #7
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    lot sizes sizes and do you have any pics at all?

    I agree you need somone in it, in my road there is a house that has disapeared over a few years
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

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