Quote Originally Posted by srvfan View Post

May I ask the kind gentlemen here what they see in Filipinas that are lacking in British/Scottish/Welsh women?

I have an English girl for a close friend and she's very nice to me. She has a good temperament, dresses modestly, and delivers a clever banter from time to time. A childhood friend of hers works as a part-time missionary here in the PI and both of them are more or less split peas in attitude and demeanor. Do they display typical behaviors seen in today's UK women or are they as rare as pearls in the sand?

I can't say outright that they're better than Filipinas or the other way around. In my personal preference, I just find white women more attractive than Filipinas.

Hi srvfan,Are you a filipino? coz if you are no doubt why you find english girl attractive which is fair they are but you know what I cant blame you saying that and to tell you what, filipinas whos married to english men have the right reason on why they choose british men coz there much better than pinoyssowi no hurt feelings