your g/f has custody or a court order for her child ?

yes you need to show that you've been supporting the child if you're in the uk, e.g. money transfers, pnb are good because they send you a printed receipt for money transfers- good evidence ..

yes, they could argue the case if the grandparents or relatives are looking after the child,.that's why it's also important on your g/f visa app, in the additional info part, to put once your both settled, you will by applying for a settlement visa for her daughter, that's if your not bringing her with you straight away. and mention she will be staying with her grandparents til then, as its also important she finishes schooling etc... and photocopy your g/f app, and when you send her daughters app, send a copy of the photocopied app page stating you intended to apply for a visa for her.

I've heard of some real horror stories from embassies,. not in the phils, but another part of Asia, where they have interviewed kids who are 8yrs old on their own , even thou it's against their policy.

if the child is refused a visa, then you should have a right to appeal, and you will with the right evidence win that appeal. so i wouldn't worry about what IAS told you too much, most if not all on here, got their kids to the uk without any problems, me included