Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
That seems strange to me Pete as all those who got in had already jumped over the prescribed hoops to get some kind of entry visa in the first place .

My thoughts on your secondary point are that for most in this position they will be earning well below minimum wages and would therefor be under the threshold for normal tax in addition they don't have any rights or benefits and like the rest of us will be paying vat, fuel taxes etc whilst working like dogs to support there dependants overseas there but for the grace of...T

Toyang I`m glad that still there are more people who stand for the righteousness and not delighted in the works of wicked people. 5 Hours Ago 11:44

To be honest Toyang your attitude with this statement is shocking to me and I am truly sorry that your life experience would lead you to these conclusions to accuse people you don't know of "wickedness" when it may well be they are simply trying to put rice in there children's bellies flies in the face of all human kindness
not true, some illegal immigrants come here hidden in the back of lorries, no visa required

many come on a visitor or student visa, these visa's are a lot cheaper than a settlement visa.

they earned less than the minimum wage, because their illegal immigrants and in most cases exploited by bosses who don't pay their NAT or TAX.

why should they be entitled to benefits, my wife wasn't entitled to maternity pay on a spouse visa, and she was working, so why should others be able to who are illegally here??

my and my wife work like dogs to send money back to her family..

people should go by the rules, i had to and everyone on here did, everyone on here ( except Europeans in the uk - dom ) had to pay alot for their visa, and to provide evidence they were in a relationship, and show they could support their wife and the play the waiting game.. something that those illegal immigrants you talk about didn't

i'm all for fair play and rules everyone abides by,

and keith, this country has a major problem will illegal immigrants, which there are estimated to be 1 million of in the uk.