Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
If the


at the million mark Joe Id suspect

on the "authorities" part as that would mean about one in every 40 adults was one reasonably easy to deal with and think of the jobs it would create for local councils.

Clearly if you make it on a lorry our border controls are crap and

what we should be tackling after all they could be terrorists.

As you may have gathered I am not a supporter of a fortress mentality and I agree with you that our rights under the European Laws are being

by our Government once the state acts in such a way it becomes very difficult if not impossible to expect support from the informed population that is not drugged with their daily dose of Big Brother

But the thing that I am responding to in this thread is that to the question in the O.P.

!, Would not turn some one in for simply wanting what I already have

2, I find it offensive to "Demonise" people by generalising them as "not righteous" and "wicked"

3. It is my view that I should be able not only to love who I choose but also not be subject to ANY form of control economic or otherwise regarding where we live

4, As to the hard pressed taxpayers what would it cost to catch and repatriate 1,000,000 illegals? Current

is a drop in the ocean compared to what taxpayers have just given the banks and no

more to come
Well we cant really afford the bank subs there was no other choice it was like the person who needed to pay the mortage with a credit card. last resort which means they will pay for later.
Now there is no money for many things( Its all on the never never now as you know)

The right to marry who you like i agree with.

No control ecomnic or on where you live sounds great in princple but what happens if we all wanted to move into one house or to one location?
It is no good for anyone the existing residents or those that move in.

Many of the countries that those coming here are from also have local controls to stop ecomonic migrants.

Sadly you have to have controls if we had them in place earlier they could have been far less harsh than they are now i feel. But hey ho we live and learn.

I still argue that it does impose a security risk not so much on a national scale most of the time.
In London from people i know in many walks of life and backgrounds a big fear that many share is having an accident with a person who doesn't exist.

If they have insurance its probably void if the company starts digging and most would not bother.

I know of at least one school in london where the cleaning companies staff were raided due to thefts at the school and many were not who they said they were. From what i gather they had nothing to do with the robberies.

But the very fact cleaners were not who they said they were and the named people on the documents were the ones security checked not them means that a big security flaw in place we would like to think is safe occured.

Would you like that in the school or nursery your children go to?
Would you like it at the hospital your family use?
Would you like it at the care home older family may use?

Many of the communities that really get peed of with this issue in my experience are the people coming from countries with high levels of people coming over ilegally.

Another issue which will rise its head is what will happen to all the ilegal workers who are not required as the ecomony shrinks and measures become tighter?