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Thread: If you knew somone

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  1. #1
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    The person who Robs someone to night may be doing it to support a family.

    I have a family to support can i rob you please

    Still Breaking the law surely

    PS I would like to state i do not wish to rob anyone and never have.

    I think i would be like that Mugger who gave his victim his phone in exchange for the victims with his contact details on it
    go on rob me, at the end of the day it is not us breaking the law is it? all i am saying is people who do violate immigration laws do it for a reason, i am sure they will someday get caught. i know of someone from the philippines who is here overstaying and is working in london, she has 4 kids she sends to university and when they've finished she is going back home to them, she does not particularly like it here, she is only doing it so her kids won't go through all the hardships she had have to go through.
    so now please tell me, am i so wrong not to report her?
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    go on rob me, at the end of the day it is not us breaking the law is it? all i am saying is people who do violate immigration laws do it for a reason, i am sure they will someday get caught. i know of someone from the philippines who is here overstaying and is working in london, she has 4 kids she sends to university and when they've finished she is going back home to them, she does not particularly like it here, she is only doing it so her kids won't go through all the hardships she had have to go through.
    so now please tell me, am i so wrong not to report her?
    No wonder why having a Philippine passport makes difficult to obtained visa in most countries,because of the abusive and opportunist people and as a result the Embassy make the process more of a strain to us as we have to prove with strong evidence that we are not going to break their visa's conditions.

  3. #3
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    No wonder why having a Philippine passport makes difficult to obtained visa in most countries,because of the abusive and opportunist people and as a result the Embassy make the process more of a strain to us as we have to prove with strong evidence that we are not going to break their visa's conditions.
    it really is not difficult to get visas anywhere if you meet all their requirements, i have my family come and go here without any problems at all.
    i think that we should put ourselves in their shoes (those who overstay), there is always a reason, maybe they abuse the system here but what about all the EU people that come here and do not even bother to work? i noticed a lot of them causing trouble in our town. i am not saying its right but at least with the filipinos staying here they do work and try their hardest to earn so they can go home to their families back home.
    have a heart people, i am sure that if the situation was reversed you would do the same.
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  4. #4
    Member Le'em's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    it really is not difficult to get visas anywhere if you meet all their requirements, i have my family come and go here without any problems at all.
    i think that we should put ourselves in their shoes (those who overstay), there is always a reason, maybe they abuse the system here but what about all the EU people that come here and do not even bother to work? i noticed a lot of them causing trouble in our town. i am not saying its right but at least with the filipinos staying here they do work and try their hardest to earn so they can go home to their families back home.
    have a heart people, i am sure that if the situation was reversed you would do the same.
    i agree

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    go on rob me, at the end of the day it is not us breaking the law is it? all i am saying is people who do violate immigration laws do it for a reason, i am sure they will someday get caught. i know of someone from the philippines who is here overstaying and is working in london, she has 4 kids she sends to
    so now please tell me, am i so wrong not to report her?
    so if her kids broke the law could she tell them they are doing wrong? I thought uk visas were so easy to get? How come so many ofws from phill dont break the law?

    Maybe all these europeans on the jam role have the same reasons for not working after two years of being here? Fair dos dont report her, as you say if a Robber supporting themself robbed you, then you wouldnt call the police. Good luck with your insurance claim with out a urn.
    im glad the wife had to pay almost a grand and a half for her spouse visa and ilr maybe we should not have bothered?
    I hope the non tax payers use none of the services all the legal ofws and residents pay though the nose for?

    this is why phills are one of a few countries that have to go though hoops for a schgen and other nations visas compared to many similar countries.

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