I have to say guys that there is a lot of poppy cock on this thread!!

Our forebears broke all sorts of laws to win the freedoms that are now being eroded bad and unjust laws always require brave souls to challenge them and that's one of the rights and responsibilities that goes with living in a free country.

In fact every citizen in my view has the right to say NO you may have to take the sanctions that that entails but the alternative is to wake up one day and find you have no rights at all

Joe your point on Europe and unfair visa fees is well made but the responsibility to challenge it lies with one of us that feels strongly enough to do so otherwise it just goes on.

People who are working their butts off abroad to support their loved ones who happen to live in economically deprived areas of the world regardless of their visa or lack of it "ARE NOT CRIMINALS OR ROBBERS" we sent them to Australia already

We didn't fill out many visa apps when we controlled a third of the world and the sun didn't set so I for one think that any moral high ground here is hypocritical in the extreme and the Filipino response here might better be directed at the corrupt lawbreakers,often in positions of trust, in your motherland than to your fellow countrymen who's aspirations and needs you should all understand and empathise with

Rant Over

I think I,ll have a beer now