Freedom in general politicaly, religous,sexually and im sure others,
chance to start again,
good social mobilty,
laws which will normally support the underdog,
A decent health care system,
A safety net,
Pretty mild weather never really that cold or that hot, very few major freak weather disaters if they do occur most people are helped out via the amazing emgency services.
The right to protest (ok its not perfect but far fewer people shot here than many places when protesting in general)
The abilty to get hold of services nearby to you i saw one of those short programes after the chan 4 news and a lady saying how avaiable goods are in the UK compared to malawi i think it was.
A goverment who although incompent imo generally have to "follow the rules and laws"
Live in a country where you feel near to the centre (told to me by many including the Wife) wheter its polticaly or just socially ie major events.
Great wealth of museums, libarys and art farty things
Good travel links to many parts of the World.
I also have to say I like the Diversity we have in the UK, the Wife and I have friends from all over the World with different religious beliefs and viewpoints. Seeing how bigoted potentially phills can be on subjects as can people from other areas who dont have experience of those from other backgrounds.
Other reasons i have heard from people particulalry tropical countries is the changing of seasons. The long summer nights blah blah.
Personally I can see why people like phill, its like why lots of fairly rich arabs among others come to London, life is easy with dough in your pocket and due to their money can get away with a lot of things and get things done.
But for me at the moment I would still prefer to be in the UK well London not sure about the rest of the country![]()