Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
everyone is the victim, the British tax payer who has to pay for the immigration service, the 'over stayer' who wants a better life, who doesn't ? but comes to the uk and the only work they can get is where the boss exploits them paying them virtually nothing, the legal immigrant who has to pay for a visa, who faces more restrictive rules and longer qualifying period to live here permanently partly because of over stayers, and the biggest loser is the Brit who marries a non European and has to pay for the visa, immigration service needs paying for,and much of it by those who use it legally.

an over stayer is a criminal, they sign the visa app stating they will return when their visa expires, just like when you sign any contract, then you break it, you face the consequences, many have no intention of ever going back, if they were skilled they could apply for a work permit or HSMP. no so they break the law, making it harder for everyone else .

horrible time applying for visa, the cost of a VV or student visa (the 2 fav visas used by over stayers) is nothing compared to the cost of a settlement visa, ILR or citizenship, how many illegal immigrants do you think, have nearly paid £4000 in visa fees, NONE ! must be just me then

as for the rights we enjoy here in the uk, they are paid for by the tax payer,and tax payers before us, from our parents and grandparents who fought for those rights and paid for them, to give their kids a better life..

The less spare tax we have means less aid for those abroad as well.

If i wanted to and had the spare cash i could sort the younger members of the family with a land title bung some cash in the bank for six months. bribe someone to offer them a job in phill.

Then with contacts i have here in the Uk sign them on with a college, plenty of them here in London. All the colleges I know of have Visa departments with experts who are very well used.
Many of the students come to do the minimum hours and level and they have to timetable the lessons to work around their jobs. I was in a conversation with several tutors and they mentioned some even pay other students to attend the classes.
Many smaller eatries and what not will employ them for the set hours they are allowed but happily pass them a enevlope for the extra hours.
Some they are paid in food for the extra time, heard this from those offered it. Others never get the pay how can they argue?
Again i have seen examples of employees and employer (with security) debating this matter in a very famous street where many on here would enjoy the food.