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Thread: If you knew somone

  1. #61
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    They are just people doing what they need to survive in a harsh world...
    They will do what they have to do and will continue to slip through..Good luck to them and I would do the same in their position.
    They know the consequences they face if caught.
    The British gov are tough on immigrants when it suits them and then the European union soften them up a bit by opening the flood gates for them..
    Thats perfectly fine though as it is all legal and above board..

  2. #62
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    I do agree w/ your reason maria

    nice words too Fred

  3. #63

  4. #64
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    We shold put posters up all round the world. Reading soething like this;

    Its Cold
    Its Wet
    Its dangerous
    Its grim (especially up north)
    and there really is nothing going for the UK.
    So stay where the sun shines, at least you'll be warm.

    I really dont understand why anyone would want to stay here. I spend most of my days thinking of how I can leave this island sooner than I already plan to realistically. I cant wait for the day to come, and won't miss it one bit.

  5. #65
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    And if that means staying in PI as an 'illegal immigrant' then what the hell.

  6. #66
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by russ01539 View Post
    I cant wait for the day to come, and won't miss it one bit.
    I guess that you don't need me to tell you how good it is to live here, then!

  7. #67
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by russ01539 View Post
    We shold put posters up all round the world. Reading soething like this;

    Its Cold
    Its Wet
    Its dangerous
    Its grim (especially up north)
    and there really is nothing going for the UK.
    So stay where the sun shines, at least you'll be warm.

    I really dont understand why anyone would want to stay here. I spend most of my days thinking of how I can leave this island sooner than I already plan to realistically. I cant wait for the day to come, and won't miss it one bit.
    Freedom in general politicaly, religous,sexually and im sure others,

    chance to start again,

    good social mobilty,

    laws which will normally support the underdog,

    A decent health care system,

    A safety net,

    Pretty mild weather never really that cold or that hot, very few major freak weather disaters if they do occur most people are helped out via the amazing emgency services.

    The right to protest (ok its not perfect but far fewer people shot here than many places when protesting in general)

    The abilty to get hold of services nearby to you i saw one of those short programes after the chan 4 news and a lady saying how avaiable goods are in the UK compared to malawi i think it was.

    A goverment who although incompent imo generally have to "follow the rules and laws"

    Live in a country where you feel near to the centre (told to me by many including the Wife) wheter its polticaly or just socially ie major events.

    Great wealth of museums, libarys and art farty things

    Good travel links to many parts of the World.

    I also have to say I like the Diversity we have in the UK, the Wife and I have friends from all over the World with different religious beliefs and viewpoints. Seeing how bigoted potentially phills can be on subjects as can people from other areas who dont have experience of those from other backgrounds.

    Other reasons i have heard from people particulalry tropical countries is the changing of seasons. The long summer nights blah blah.

    Personally I can see why people like phill, its like why lots of fairly rich arabs among others come to London, life is easy with dough in your pocket and due to their money can get away with a lot of things and get things done.

    But for me at the moment I would still prefer to be in the UK well London not sure about the rest of the country

  8. #68
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I wouldn't report them, I've heard stories of people who have got their Visa, they've not realized that the visa didn't have multiple re-entry, and so they've been refused entry back into the U.K! Basically they messed up so they ended up getting they're partner in illegally. I am an EQUALIST! I believe we all have equal rights to the worlds riches, equal rights to live exactly any place we want, equal rights to everything from A- Z. People are entitled to live any way they choose, and any place they like. Life will be better for them if they do it legally, but does it really matter that they don't? I mean, what are you going to do? Ran after them down the street? Pounce on them? Wrestle them to the ground? And then sit on them and wait for the police to arrive? We're all entitled to a decent life, live and let live I say! Laugh or else your cry! live or else you'll die!
    yes your right mate!!!

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    it really is not difficult to get visas anywhere if you meet all their requirements, i have my family come and go here without any problems at all.
    i think that we should put ourselves in their shoes (those who overstay), there is always a reason, maybe they abuse the system here but what about all the EU people that come here and do not even bother to work? i noticed a lot of them causing trouble in our town. i am not saying its right but at least with the filipinos staying here they do work and try their hardest to earn so they can go home to their families back home.
    have a heart people, i am sure that if the situation was reversed you would do the same.
    i agree

  10. #70
    Member Le'em's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Different subject Pennybarry they are claim frauds not overstayers

  11. #71
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    I would not report them. I would, however, be very concerned that they are open to exploitation and have no health cover or any other basic protection while they are here.

    Whats the point of reprting someone and almost certainly ruining their life and the lives of the family they depend on? You would have to be a cruel and heartless person to do that face to face.

  12. #72

  13. #73
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    its not right to be illegal immigrants bec they are violating the law of this country How can they live without peace of mind that everyday they are scared bec for sure they know that sooner or later they will get caught. Imo, I know they're helping their families back home but its like stealing for me I can't provide for my families by means of stealing and once they caught that's it they'll be black listed and might not be able to go to other countries anymore (unless they've got a new passport with new name)

    Im legal immigrant of this country. I went to rigid process just to get here and I am paying big taxes for 4 years and NI. Still I may not get ILR next year bec of many changes of immigration laws yet I am legal immigrant and contibuting to the much more those ilegal immigrants all they helping are their families back home and not giving back to the country where they live.

  14. #74
    Respected Member Sangoma's Avatar
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    Personally if the only crime was overstaying a visa, I would mind my own business.

    I returned to this country in 2002, and had to apply for a spouse visa for my late wife.
    I could claim nothing, my wife could claim nothing. Yet people coming in on the back of a truck got five star treatment.

    I'm now waiting for my wifes visa to be processed, and to be honest, it is one of the most difficult times of my life, why it takes so long in Manila is debateable, but it is certainly stressful.

    I can understand why some people would take the "easy" way out.

    Maybe the system should be levelled out a bit, make it easier for genuine applicants, and harder for the truck hikers.

    Maybe if they spent less energy on masking it so hard for genuine cases, they would have more time to deal with the abusers.

    Maybe the system is basically flawed if it is easier and better to break the law than abide by it.

    As for the person using resources I pay for, they are not likely to use as much as other scammers legally here, as they would rather keep a low profile.

    I would rather see the teenage mothers-to-be-on-benefits etc dealt with.

  15. #75
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sangoma View Post
    Yet people coming in on the back of a truck got five star treatment..
    I don't think you would call a detention centre 5 star

    but I think many when caught are let go, and told to report back to immigration weekly, many vanish thou, the thing is now with the clamp down on illegal workers (fines or even prison for employers who employ illegal immigrants), the only work they will get will be really low pay, as the employer ways up the risks of getting fined £10,000 for each illegal immigrant employed, the other option if they cannot find employment is to turn to crime..

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the other option if they cannot find employment is to turn to crime..
    Or traffic wardens in London......

    Or security staff at some goverment building....


  17. #77
    Respected Member Sangoma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I don't think you would call a detention centre 5 star

    but I think many when caught are let go, and told to report back to immigration weekly, many vanish thou, the thing is now with the clamp down on illegal workers (fines or even prison for employers who employ illegal immigrants), the only work they will get will be really low pay, as the employer ways up the risks of getting fined £10,000 for each illegal immigrant employed, the other option if they cannot find employment is to turn to crime..
    The incident I particularly remember are the ones that hid in a army truck carrying classified goods. They were given thorough health checks and accomdated in a hotel. Maybe a detention centre followed, but they were certainly well treated on their arrival.

    A legal arrival at hellrow is sometimes kept there for the best part of a day with xrays and questions.

    As for the detention centres, I wonder how their care there compares with what they would have got where they left from? A roof, food, medical care is a heck of a lot more than many countries peoples have.

  18. #78
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    As one who is about to face the agonies/uncertainties of the unjustifiably-'long wait' entailed by those applying legally for a spousal visa on behalf of their loved one, I fully concur with the sentiments expressed by Sangoma. It's high time resources were deployed in tightening up a System that allows would-be terrorists, suicide bombers and the like to slip through the net, simply because they are well educated (witness the perpetrators of the incident at Glasgow Airport ... they came here as qualified doctors!!) and can support themselves financially. Something's far wrong somewhere, surely!

  19. #79
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    Well, if I were to get 40k resettlement grant from the government, I would happily go and live in da Phills....

  20. #80
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    I used to think the same as you lot...

  21. #81
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    It is only a problem for people who needs problems. I believe they knew whats the consequences they are going to face once they got caught.

    However I wouldn't report them, its just I got plenty of stuff to sort out first that needed my attention rather than worrying other peoples business... for being illegal.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  22. #82
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    There are plenty of criminals around for us to get concerned about. Why not report them instead of over stayers?

    Clearly if people are caught overstaying they must be dealt with. But anyone with any heart or christian feeling would realise that in dealing with this type of criminal you are ruining someone's life for ever.

    And who is the victim? It is not on to blame illegal immigrants for the fact that we have such a horrible time applying for visas. In return for our horrible time we get good rights and protection, health, and education for our kids.

  23. #83
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    And who is the victim? It is not on to blame illegal immigrants for the fact that we have such a horrible time applying for visas. In return for our horrible time we get good rights and protection, health, and education for our kids.
    everyone is the victim, the British tax payer who has to pay for the immigration service, the 'over stayer' who wants a better life, who doesn't ? but comes to the uk and the only work they can get is where the boss exploits them paying them virtually nothing, the legal immigrant who has to pay for a visa, who faces more restrictive rules and longer qualifying period to live here permanently partly because of over stayers, and the biggest loser is the Brit who marries a non European and has to pay for the visa, immigration service needs paying for,and much of it by those who use it legally.

    an over stayer is a criminal, they sign the visa app stating they will return when their visa expires, just like when you sign any contract, then you break it, you face the consequences, many have no intention of ever going back, if they were skilled they could apply for a work permit or HSMP. no so they break the law, making it harder for everyone else .

    horrible time applying for visa, the cost of a VV or student visa (the 2 fav visas used by over stayers) is nothing compared to the cost of a settlement visa, ILR or citizenship, how many illegal immigrants do you think, have nearly paid £4000 in visa fees, NONE ! must be just me then

    as for the rights we enjoy here in the uk, they are paid for by the tax payer,and tax payers before us, from our parents and grandparents who fought for those rights and paid for them, to give their kids a better life..

  24. #84
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I spent another hour and 3/4 quarters in a A and e reception behind the counter by chance due to my work yesterday.

    The big problem apart from (truly ill people with mental disorders who were very scary due to their condtion) was the whole system was bogged down yet again by people with very suspect stories taking up so much of the Staffs time and then many had issues which should have been dealt with by a GP or a medicentre.
    I witnessed with my own eyes 5 indivuals who gave such dodgy stories (addresses which didn't exist, and forgetting there own stories etc)
    Most of the Patients were non indigeous brits due to the central london location. These included tourists, students, workers and family.

    The GP they will not use as need I.D and Medicentre costs money im told.

    This slowed down the time to see a member of staff for all. Means the time is limited.

    Many dont give genuine contacts or addresses so when they are still ill/injured but stable im told they have no choice but to keep them there and then arrange transport. Taking up more resources.

    Would i want like i saw in france years ago as a kid roads closed off and alll checked for ID? No

    Something has to happen and I do view those that know they have no Valid Visa as criminals.
    Like all crimnals there are ones who are evill and those who are forced into the act though desperation. Of course you treat the shoplifter who steals food to stay alive differently (i.e the overstayer who cant afford to go home for various reasons) to those who profit or gain enjoyment from crimnal acts or those who pay huge amounts to enter the Uk.

    But I would not actively support people ilegally entering the country.

    Maybe going round hunting down overstayers maybe a bit extreme, but what about those who support doing nothing.

    Surely people are aware that crimnals normally from the same culture/country normally exploit those who would rather keep a low profile.

    Some might belive the none of my business people are just as gulity when people trafickers and con people fleece and mistreat some of these people.

    lastly can those who are happy for people to share there house and resources. Please post there addresses on here so we can all pop round please?

    Remeber you live privilliged lives like this country so you would not care if there were loads of people other than your family sharing your house garden, food im sure.

    Why should you keep your privilliged lives to your self?

    Of course same for your 2nd propety in phill as well dont forget to share with all

    Remeber no grassing up if people cause mayhem in your gaff as reporting people is not on.

    Do remeber this site appears high in google searchs so if we start a thread "I have no problem with people sharing my house and resources" thread so more people can find it. Maybe we could put you on faceparty they get hundreds to parties in days?

    If you really care for equal rights and sharing all with others let see some proof

    Personally to busy trying to help my own family and friends to help tehe whole world but carry on people.

    can you pop the kettle on i will be round to borrow your sofa in an hour or so

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    everyone is the victim, the British tax payer who has to pay for the immigration service, the 'over stayer' who wants a better life, who doesn't ? but comes to the uk and the only work they can get is where the boss exploits them paying them virtually nothing, the legal immigrant who has to pay for a visa, who faces more restrictive rules and longer qualifying period to live here permanently partly because of over stayers, and the biggest loser is the Brit who marries a non European and has to pay for the visa, immigration service needs paying for,and much of it by those who use it legally.

    an over stayer is a criminal, they sign the visa app stating they will return when their visa expires, just like when you sign any contract, then you break it, you face the consequences, many have no intention of ever going back, if they were skilled they could apply for a work permit or HSMP. no so they break the law, making it harder for everyone else .

    horrible time applying for visa, the cost of a VV or student visa (the 2 fav visas used by over stayers) is nothing compared to the cost of a settlement visa, ILR or citizenship, how many illegal immigrants do you think, have nearly paid £4000 in visa fees, NONE ! must be just me then

    as for the rights we enjoy here in the uk, they are paid for by the tax payer,and tax payers before us, from our parents and grandparents who fought for those rights and paid for them, to give their kids a better life..

    The less spare tax we have means less aid for those abroad as well.

    If i wanted to and had the spare cash i could sort the younger members of the family with a land title bung some cash in the bank for six months. bribe someone to offer them a job in phill.

    Then with contacts i have here in the Uk sign them on with a college, plenty of them here in London. All the colleges I know of have Visa departments with experts who are very well used.
    Many of the students come to do the minimum hours and level and they have to timetable the lessons to work around their jobs. I was in a conversation with several tutors and they mentioned some even pay other students to attend the classes.
    Many smaller eatries and what not will employ them for the set hours they are allowed but happily pass them a enevlope for the extra hours.
    Some they are paid in food for the extra time, heard this from those offered it. Others never get the pay how can they argue?
    Again i have seen examples of employees and employer (with security) debating this matter in a very famous street where many on here would enjoy the food.

  26. #86
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    you can pop down, or up any time you want Andy, i hope my dogs drinking bowl will be OK for your cuppa thou, it's ok, I'll give it a good squirt of detol after you've gone

    what most people seem to think, that all illegal immigrants are poor, many are, but some runs businesses in the UK, have rich parents, remember if their applying for a student visa, INT fees are at least £3,500 year and up to £18,000 a year, really poor hey if they can afford to pay up to £60,000 just for fees

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you can pop down, or up any time you want Andy, i hope my dogs drinking bowl will be OK for your cuppa thou, it's ok, I'll give it a good squirt of detol after you've gone

    what most people seem to think, that all illegal immigrants are poor, many are, but some runs businesses in the UK, have rich parents, remember if their applying for a student visa, INT fees are at least £3,500 year and up to £18,000 a year, really poor hey if they can afford to pay up to £60,000 just for fees
    If anyones in London PM me and i will point them in the direction of the nearest dodgy college. Check out the clothes, phones and other signs of wealth

    Joe im sure you look after your Dog well better than thames water so I would be safe drinking the water

    Actually I'll take the dettol as whats yours is mine.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post

    Joe im sure you look after your Dog well better than thames water so I would be safe drinking the water
    but the misses hates the dog, all dogs , i'm not sure if she sneaks something in it's water

    well that's true, there are many fake colleges and uni's, with the students working full time

    well most of them fake ones should be gone soon, as they have to apply for a license, and the gov will be quick to cancel it, if they do anything dodgy, also they will be responsible for reporting students who do not attend class etc,,,

  29. #89
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    but the misses hates the dog, all dogs , i'm not sure if she sneaks something in it's water

    well that's true, there are many fake colleges and uni's, with the students working full time

    well most of them fake ones should be gone soon, as they have to apply for a license, and the gov will be quick to cancel it, if they do anything dodgy, also they will be responsible for reporting students who do not attend class etc,,,
    Oh yes they are all vey strict on reporting students who dont turn up but all im told is forgiven if they have a good excuse. More time down A and E then getting a note

  30. #90
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you pessimist Andy

    your turning more right wing than me , coming from a life long labour voter, that was, until the last few years, no longer bother now

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