...And Wussel Bwand....
Throw the book at them...although doubt that will happen, I bet Ross has soemthing in his clause that says he can do what he likes.![]()
...And Wussel Bwand....
Throw the book at them...although doubt that will happen, I bet Ross has soemthing in his clause that says he can do what he likes.![]()
Keith - Administrator
Just hope no one insults his children like that.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks - "who cares?"
its just self promotion, and ultimately its the old, any publicity is good publicity thing.
the fact that bottler brown is wasting time in parliament discussing it when he should be talking about getting out of recession, repaying national debt, finishing wars etc etc just about sums up the state of the country.
I get sick and tired of this "who cares" rubbish. The BBC have guidelines and quite clearly, they were broken in this instance. Where is the line drawn? How bad do they have to be before people stop saying "who cares, its only entertainment blah blah".
Funny how that if this stunt was done on commercial radio, the DJ or presenter concerned would have lost their job, and the radio station fined a lot of money by OFCOM.
The BBC are supposed to be professional at what they do, this stunt was bad taste and very UNprofessional, and I expect better from what is supposed to be the best broadcaster in the world. Sometimes, we wonder why our money is being wasted on worthless talent like Russel Brand and Ranker Ross.
Agree 100%![]()
I just wish Russell Brand would comb his fg hair!!
That messy haired talentless tt
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
I know 100's of folk, and not one of them finds Brand funny, so why do the Beeb give him so much air time, and go as far as paying the witless wonder?
If it was a commercial station, they would have been sacked days ago, along with the editor, producer, etc......why should the BBC be any different.
If someone had done that to my grandad, I'd have just picked up my mates, gone round, and beat the crap out of them.
James Whale was sacked from Talksport for breaching broadcasting regulations, and Brand and Woss have done more than that.
Keith - Administrator
Not so funny now is it:
"Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand are to be suspended and all their shows taken off air until the BBC has investigated their prank calls made on Radio 2."
I wonder how many wind up phone call pranks will be attempted on the supended two?
Now we know we can insult them however we like as long as we say sorry didn't really mean it makes it alright.
A good example of why some people I meet seem to think they can do anything they like and as long as they say sorry afterwards its ok.
First idiot bankers, mp's every other day and now these two (who i normally find funny in small doses)
All think they can do what they like and then say sorry didn't mean it and expect us all to go. Oh thats ok.
Should make them both stay in a hotel in Torquay![]()
Keith - Administrator
I still don't see it..
The grandfather, some guy who did a dozen comedy shows taking the p1ss out of the spanish. The granddaughter, some floozy stripper, who brand slept with.
The accused, two rubbish presenters that I never watch.
On radio 2 at 9pm. come on please.
What I would say is that they are both overpaid.. but they are overpaid because of the controversy they create(manufacture) for themselves.
have you read the transcript, i was like you before i did.
Will they have to sign on the "Sachs" offenders register...???![]()
No one has pointed out that this event is probably the best scientific research on evolution & cultural change.
Taking the age range 25-28, the majority of those below thought the prank was funny, the majority of those over thought it wasn't. A complete culture change, and started 25-28 years ago.
It will take that and more to reverse if.....if ever....
Keith - Administrator
its the bbc they have no right?
but whats the big deal its like over a week before anyone said anything about it?
i like there tv shows,but the radio shows i never really liked.
its not there reponsibility to what gets put on air?
whoever allowed it be played on air should get the sack,but whoever does will walk into another job within a week so whats the point?
The week thing as well as the stiring up by the DM i bet was also due to iplayer or podcasts.
Who actually watches or listens to programes on the intial airing anymore?
I think the fact they made the phone calls in the first place which if i made to you for example you could have me nicked for due to the content. if it had never been aired then it is still an offence.
The broadcasting of the recording is a seperate issue. If woss or brand wanted it stopped im sure they could of. You telling me Woss on 6 million a year doesn't have the clout to do such things?
If they had not done it in the first place they would not have had a problem.
The whats the point is exactly why something should be done. As thats the malise which means no one takes issue with people abusing others or breaking petty laws so they push it a little more and more.
That's an irrelevant point these days, as folk can watch/listen to any past radio/tv show now when they want, and not just at the time it first goes out.
And the other thing, they received 2 complaints on the night, it takes about 2-3 months for those complaints to be fully reviewed. I know, I got British Gas to change their ad earlier in the year![]()
Keith - Administrator
From the very little they've shown on TV of the actual offending broadcast. it just looks soooooo childish with 2 grown men acting like 10 year olds who've dialled 999 and claimed their school is on fire.
If Brand had slept with Sach's granddaughter (who's 23) then it's just fact. If she'd been 8 or 9 then it would have been another matter.
Usually I find Brand rather irritating and Woss has just become self indulgent. I usually watch his chat show (if I can stay awake that late) and I find his unneccessary swearing annoying, rather like Gordon Ramsey. I'm no prude or Mary Whitehouse, but does bad language really have a place on national broadcasting? 5 or 10 years ago it was unheard of.
Even comedy programmes such as Harry Enfield which could have been watched by the whole family 5 years ago is now unnecessarily smutty.
It's been said that broadcasting is trying to be "edgy", but does "edgy" just mean "gutteral"?
I never listen to Radio 2 as it's always been an old persons station to me, but surely by them having these "edgy" presenters they will lose their target audience.
I don't think Radio 2 can be labelled an Old Persons Station, its changed a hell of a lot in the last 10 years to the point it has more listeners than Radio 1. The whole BBC radio network is suffering an identity crisis - Radio 1 are going for ever younger listeners, likewise Radio 2 are aiming for 25 - 40, the rest, well, theres always Radio 3 or Radio 4. Its a bit odd that Bwand is on R2 in the first place, his humour appeals to younger people Keith has talked about - 29 ish and under. He should have been on Radio 1.
I'd say that if there had been tighter editorial controls at Radio 2, none of this would have happened. The production team behind that show were as guilty as Bwand and Woss, and while Lesley Douglas (R2 Controller) has done many good things at Radio 2, she quite rightly took some of the blame and resigned.
Oh, I like the bit about "Right to say what they like".As the Manic Street Preachers once said "Freedom of Speech Won't Feed my Children", read the lyrics to that song, you'll realise how far wedged up our own backsides we are in the UK.
Regardless it got the Main two parties out of a load of grief ref ruskies on da boat.
The Goverment hid the news well about the airports after 10s if not 100's of millions of wasted money in enquirys and what not was likely to be dropped from most people. Im sure plenty of other intresting gems were "released" and not covered due to lack of time and space.
Just as the Tories looked like a major player was to be crucified it all blew up cheers daily mail.
Then it looks like Labour needed it to say in the news cheers Sky.
Of course many Media outlets will have a pop at the BBC at the drop of a hat so it played right into their hands when this was gifted to them.
Radio 2 still has the same presenters I remember my mother listening to when I was a kid! i.e. Wogan. So Rob at 47, I'm too old even to listen to Radio 2!
Radio 2 may have more listeners than Radio 1 but then we're told that there's more old people alive now then ever before so that supports my statement!
Personally I rarely listen to the radio but if I do I listen to Radio 1 until I'm bored with the same chart songs being repeated. I can't stand local radio cos of the inane adverts.
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