Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
I never listen to Radio 2 as it's always been an old persons station to me, but surely by them having these "edgy" presenters they will lose their target audience.
I don't think Radio 2 can be labelled an Old Persons Station, its changed a hell of a lot in the last 10 years to the point it has more listeners than Radio 1. The whole BBC radio network is suffering an identity crisis - Radio 1 are going for ever younger listeners, likewise Radio 2 are aiming for 25 - 40, the rest, well, theres always Radio 3 or Radio 4. Its a bit odd that Bwand is on R2 in the first place, his humour appeals to younger people Keith has talked about - 29 ish and under. He should have been on Radio 1.

I'd say that if there had been tighter editorial controls at Radio 2, none of this would have happened. The production team behind that show were as guilty as Bwand and Woss, and while Lesley Douglas (R2 Controller) has done many good things at Radio 2, she quite rightly took some of the blame and resigned.

Oh, I like the bit about "Right to say what they like". As the Manic Street Preachers once said "Freedom of Speech Won't Feed my Children", read the lyrics to that song, you'll realise how far wedged up our own backsides we are in the UK.