From the very little they've shown on TV of the actual offending broadcast. it just looks soooooo childish with 2 grown men acting like 10 year olds who've dialled 999 and claimed their school is on fire.

If Brand had slept with Sach's granddaughter (who's 23) then it's just fact. If she'd been 8 or 9 then it would have been another matter.

Usually I find Brand rather irritating and Woss has just become self indulgent. I usually watch his chat show (if I can stay awake that late) and I find his unneccessary swearing annoying, rather like Gordon Ramsey. I'm no prude or Mary Whitehouse, but does bad language really have a place on national broadcasting? 5 or 10 years ago it was unheard of.
Even comedy programmes such as Harry Enfield which could have been watched by the whole family 5 years ago is now unnecessarily smutty.

It's been said that broadcasting is trying to be "edgy", but does "edgy" just mean "gutteral"?
I never listen to Radio 2 as it's always been an old persons station to me, but surely by them having these "edgy" presenters they will lose their target audience.