Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
But before the course started she started work in a coffe shop where she ended up as a vital member of the team who from what she modestly told me ended up as a unofficial team leader.
In the same in the next coffe shop where she was head hunted ended up training and supervising staff.
I put much of this down to having been in a large family used to organisng people, being an Ate and getting things done at Family do's. Also a very strong work ethic and the abilty to pick things up as she went along.
Thanks for that mate! What you've said they're I found very interesting. Your right, filipina's are very sociable! Team players! I sometimes forget that, and yes maybe we would do well to let Vimvie just have some sort of shop job first.. like you say it's probably easier to go from job to job sort of thing!