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Thread: The Filipina "Maid mentality?"

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  1. #1
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    i think the only job peachy can do is mystery shopper

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    nigel you think too much

    of course many are nurses and carers here , that's how they got their workpermits to come here

    your right thou, with the right qualifications (if needed) they can do anything

    my misses is a registered doc in the phils, but getting her registered here is an expensive never ending up hill struggle

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    i think the only job peachy can do is mystery shopper
    My Wife is the UK Branch

    Nigel I know what your Saying Many Pinays do seem to lack Confidence.

    But many on here have done very well, it seems in their careers.

    But you do have to consider what was your Wife doing before and what qualfications does she have?

    My Wife was training to Be a Nurse and went to a very good school and was near the top of her class, her sister is the same.

    If her Sister was in the UK she would be looking at something like graphic design or I.T, but her big ambtion is to work in a hotel or as a Trolley dolly.

    The Wife lacked confidence when she came over first she settled down and then we started looking for Jobs i was setting her up with a Basic office qualfication course which she was intrestrted in doing. Then using contatcts i have would have got her a basic admin/reception job to start off.

    But before the course started she started work in a coffe shop where she ended up as a vital member of the team who from what she modestly told me ended up as a unofficial team leader.
    In the same in the next coffe shop where she was head hunted ended up training and supervising staff.
    I put much of this down to having been in a large family used to organisng people, being an Ate and getting things done at Family do's. Also a very strong work ethic and the abilty to pick things up as she went along.

    Due to her social networking skills (many Phills seem to have these in abundance) she moved on to a department store and slowly got in to a job she loves working for her favourite make up company. She now tops the sales charts EVERY month again due to many of the skills and experience she picked up in phill.

    The Jobs My wife has pays her very well has lots of perks and a pension.
    She knows loads of people in the local area due to her jobs, a wide circle of friends from evry walk of life and it seems nation Shes achieved it all in less than three years.

    Am i proud of her, you bet

    Is she unique in her skills, not really any of the newcomers from Phill can achieve that or whats best for them.

    One thing sometimes its best with jobs to let things happen. The Wife could have finished her computer course and found she was stuck in a job she didn't like for one reason or another.
    She could of even completed her nursing qualfications and found that there were to many people chasing to few openings.

    Nothing wrong with a shop job or working in a cafe and its always easier to find a job when you have one.

  4. #4
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    But before the course started she started work in a coffe shop where she ended up as a vital member of the team who from what she modestly told me ended up as a unofficial team leader.
    In the same in the next coffe shop where she was head hunted ended up training and supervising staff.
    I put much of this down to having been in a large family used to organisng people, being an Ate and getting things done at Family do's. Also a very strong work ethic and the abilty to pick things up as she went along.
    Thanks for that mate! What you've said they're I found very interesting. Your right, filipina's are very sociable! Team players! I sometimes forget that, and yes maybe we would do well to let Vimvie just have some sort of shop job first.. like you say it's probably easier to go from job to job sort of thing!

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  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Thanks for that mate! What you've said they're I found very interesting. Your right, filipina's are very sociable! Team players! I sometimes forget that, and yes maybe we would do well to let Vimvie just have some sort of shop job first.. like you say it's probably easier to go from job to job sort of thing!
    Yes at the moment its best to get a decent Job and go from there. With Kingston nearby and what not lots of retail etc.
    I will keep my eyes and ears open Sir.

    I meet a lot of Filipinas in my work and many its noticeable are far more social than many other people in office enviroments some seem to hate it as many people in the offices just sit there in their own little worlds.

    Retail and the like are far more sociable.

    Like you Know Jobs should not just be for money, meeting friends, gaining skills and knowledge and hopefully enjoying yourself a little having a laugh with work mates and customers.

  6. #6
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    First of all, as everyone said here our education in the Phils are not recognized here in UK unless you are a nurse. Having any kind of job means it helps your wife confident level bec she will learn to how to interact with diff people specially with british people.

    I am a caregiver and I think that's one of the hardest job you can have bec I am working with vulnerable people and the resposibility are high and very risky. Its hard to get a job that you want here in UK unless you are very competitive or unless your wife wants to go to Uni and get a degree if she is lucky she might get a nice well paid job but as I heard from my Brits colleagues their children finish a degree but having a hard time finding a job.

    filipinos working here as a nurse, caregiver or maid is on a workpermit visa...this is the available job for us and the very important thing is we're earning money and contributes to UK's economy!!

  7. #7
    Respected Member allyn's Avatar
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    as for my experience..
    i choose to work as a room attendant (hotel maid) to gain experience and to be able to learn more about people around me, and most of all confidence

    and after that i was able to apply for the real job i really like..and get into my career track..

    let your wife get the small job that she think she can do to get experience and confidence for her self ...
    but a piece of advice,,,tell her to avoid houskeeping, maid, or room attendant job,,,its really a hard job,,i mean really physical job...please dont get me wrong,,i know she can do that kind of job but it will really stress her out.

    I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it...

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    i think the only job peachy can do is mystery shopper
    done that as partime if they need someone nearby

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