My Wife is the UK Branch
Nigel I know what your Saying Many Pinays do seem to lack Confidence.
But many on here have done very well, it seems in their careers.
But you do have to consider what was your Wife doing before and what qualfications does she have?
My Wife was training to Be a Nurse and went to a very good school and was near the top of her class, her sister is the same.
If her Sister was in the UK she would be looking at something like graphic design or I.T, but her big ambtion is to work in a hotel or as a Trolley dolly.
The Wife lacked confidence when she came over first she settled down and then we started looking for Jobs i was setting her up with a Basic office qualfication course which she was intrestrted in doing. Then using contatcts i have would have got her a basic admin/reception job to start off.
But before the course started she started work in a coffe shop where she ended up as a vital member of the team who from what she modestly told me ended up as a unofficial team leader.
In the same in the next coffe shop where she was head hunted ended up training and supervising staff.
I put much of this down to having been in a large family used to organisng people, being an Ate and getting things done at Family do's. Also a very strong work ethic and the abilty to pick things up as she went along.
Due to her social networking skills (many Phills seem to have these in abundance) she moved on to a department store and slowly got in to a job she loves working for her favourite make up company. She now tops the sales charts EVERY month again due to many of the skills and experience she picked up in phill.
The Jobs My wife has pays her very well has lots of perks and a pension.
She knows loads of people in the local area due to her jobs, a wide circle of friends from evry walk of life and it seems nationShes achieved it all in less than three years.
Am i proud of her, you bet
Is she unique in her skills, not really any of the newcomers from Phill can achieve that or whats best for them.
One thing sometimes its best with jobs to let things happen. The Wife could have finished her computer course and found she was stuck in a job she didn't like for one reason or another.
She could of even completed her nursing qualfications and found that there were to many people chasing to few openings.
Nothing wrong with a shop job or working in a cafe and its always easier to find a job when you have one.