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Thread: The Filipina "Maid mentality?"

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  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    My wife was a medical technologist in the Philippines, she was the Manager of a very busy Medical Diagnostic centre, when she came to UK, I told her not to bother with jobs such as caregiving, domestic jobs or fast food jobs, that is not to say I have any opinion about these jobs, in any event, I made it clear to her, my income could more than take care of our needs, but if she really wanted to work, she should take her time in applying for a job she really wanted with a good career prospect and benefits.

    So for 6 months she did just that, I told her she is good enough to land a good job in local government, like many Filipinos who come here, she lacked the confidence to compete in the UK jobs market, but I told her to be more assertive, and not to feel that she is a foreigner who cannot compete on the same terms as local indigenous British people.

    When she saw a job advertised in local government as a science officer, she told me she thought she had the skills and university background to go for that job, when I saw the job specification, I agreed with her, in fact I thought she was more than qualified, she was reluctant to apply, but I helped her do so.

    When it came to going for the interview, she was up against 8 other applicants, most of them BRITISH, amazingly, she was the last to be interviewed, and she had only got home about 30 minutes from the interview, when she received a telephone call from the County council personnel officer asking her if she would be interested in taking up the post.

    She could not believe this ? when she replied yes, they said they would send out the details of her new job and employment, she was shocked to find that she had been awarded an annual salary of more than she ever thought, plus a local authority pension and life cover.

    Pinays, you can do it if you set your mind to it, my wife has now been working for a county council as a science technician for 2 years, and has not looked back.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    I just turned 19 when I first set foot in this country, and without any qualification; not even finishing high school in the Philippines!

    1. The first year was spent getting to know the place and people.
    2. Second year I had our Jack, then passed my driving test (that's in 1991).
    3. Third year was spent working part time to accomodate motherhood, and other life commitments. At the same time, going to college in the evening to gain GCSE's.
    4. Our Mel was born in 1995, still studying and working part time.
    5. Our Chloe was born in 1999, still studying and working part time.
    6. When Chloe reached full time school age, I had enough GCSE's and A Levels to get me into university.

    To date, I'm working for our local PCT (Primary Care Trust), earning more than twice as much as the minimum wage, and enjoying life to the full.

    The message is clear, we can all do it girls! With a good support from our love ones

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tish View Post
    I just turned 19 when I first set foot in this country, and without any qualification; not even finishing high school in the Philippines!

    1. The first year was spent getting to know the place and people.
    2. Second year I had our Jack, then passed my driving test (that's in 1991).
    3. Third year was spent working part time to accomodate motherhood, and other life commitments. At the same time, going to college in the evening to gain GCSE's.
    4. Our Mel was born in 1995, still studying and working part time.
    5. Our Chloe was born in 1999, still studying and working part time.
    6. When Chloe reached full time school age, I had enough GCSE's and A Levels to get me into university.

    To date, I'm working for our local PCT (Primary Care Trust), earning more than twice as much as the minimum wage, and enjoying life to the full.

    The message is clear, we can all do it girls! With a good support from our love ones
    Great example

  4. #4
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Great example
    Thank you

  5. #5
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Thanks for replying everyone! I've read all your messages with great interest! It's nice to hear that some filipina's are getting nice careers for themselves! Vimvie has been here about 8 months..(already been back to Philly once to visit family for a month but..) anyway, maybe she just needs a bit more time to settle in?

    Thanks again everyone!

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  6. #6
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Thanks for replying everyone! I've read all your messages with great interest! It's nice to hear that some filipina's are getting nice careers for themselves! Vimvie has been here about 8 months..(already been back to Philly once to visit family for a month but..) anyway, maybe she just needs a bit more time to settle in?

    Thanks again everyone!
    hello nigel,
    she can come here and work as a career,
    like i do,she just need confidence
    before i dident know anything,i dont have any experience about this work
    but my hubby help me to do my refference he made it all,
    so i know vemvie can do it

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Thanks for replying everyone! I've read all your messages with great interest! It's nice to hear that some filipina's are getting nice careers for themselves! Vimvie has been here about 8 months..(already been back to Philly once to visit family for a month but..) anyway, maybe she just needs a bit more time to settle in?

    Thanks again everyone!
    Maybe let her check out easy jobs first, the ones she think she can do and maybe that will help her to "settle in" and go for better jobs.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    When she saw a job advertised in local government as a science officer, she told me she thought she had the skills and university background to go for that job, when I saw the job specification, I agreed with her, in fact I thought she was more than qualified, she was reluctant to apply, but I helped her do so.

    When it came to going for the interview, she was up against 8 other applicants, most of them BRITISH, amazingly, she was the last to be interviewed, and she had only got home about 30 minutes from the interview, when she received a telephone call from the County council personnel officer asking her if she would be interested in taking up the post.
    very similar to what happened to my misses, she went for a few interviews, at some of the interviews, they told her she was over qualified

    she went for an interview working for the local nhs trust,a few hours after she got home, the manager phoned her offering her the job, like wise my wife has worked there for 2 years, got lots of experience, skills and contacts, but she's working on moving up to a better job

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