I just turned 19 when I first set foot in this country, and without any qualification; not even finishing high school in the Philippines!
1. The first year was spent getting to know the place and people.
2. Second year I had our Jack, then passed my driving test (that's in 1991).
3. Third year was spent working part time to accomodate motherhood, and other life commitments. At the same time, going to college in the evening to gain GCSE's.
4. Our Mel was born in 1995, still studying and working part time.
5. Our Chloe was born in 1999, still studying and working part time.
6. When Chloe reached full time school age, I had enough GCSE's and A Levels to get me into university.
To date, I'm working for our local PCT (Primary Care Trust), earning more than twice as much as the minimum wage, and enjoying life to the full.
The message is clear, we can all do it girls! With a good support from our love ones