Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
Its obvious why the Christian church, hijacked, stole, adopted, used, (however you want to put it) pagan festivals, the church wanted to convert pagans to Christianity, it was easier for conversion to keep the existing pagan celebration days and make them Christian festivals. Does it really matter if the birthday is celebrated on the actual date or not ?? which is the Queens actual birthday ? how many does she have ? and do people have a birthday once every 4 years if they are born in a leap year on feb. 29th.

Religions, Nations, all types of organisations borrow steal or use celebrations, myths, symbols from elsewhere, the British are one of the best examples of this. Look at the English flag and our patron saint, they are both borrowed, stolen, even as a myth George is not even an English myth, but I'm still proud of our flag and being English.
I know where your coming from.

But the Relgious bods we had come to my school as a kid would imply that it was all true and should be taken word for word I dont rember any one in history issuing execution orders if we didn't celebrate Liz the 2nds Bdays or had to belive Georgie boy was a English boy who popped abroad for a bit of dragon bashing.

Untill recently that creation and not evoultion was the right answer. Now the C of E church seem to concede well possibly its the other way round. While the rest resist admiting it.
The you find out that when the Bible was edited together many of the stories were chopped and changed to suit the needs of the time(they belive) But hang on it was the total truth now we find out it possibly isn't.

So once you find one bit is a lie, well where does it stop?

The Queen has two birthdays hardly hidden from us and the St geroges flag and the patron saint being from the middle east. Well as England is a melting pot of people thats no problem to many as long as loyal to the country.

I think the big problem is that the Church/s tried to persuade us that it was the truth (even perscuted people over hundreds of years if they went agaisnt it) Even in the middle ages pre cristain rituals were written to have been practised and look how many made it over to the procedures and events we practised at sunday school?

If the Church said well yeah actually its a nice story and if you follow the rules and examples you will be a fine person. Which is how i treat it and would use it to teach my Kids good morals as well as examples from elsewhere of being a good human being.