Welcome Jenny... I'm really sorry that you have to experience that. Chin Up! It's his loss...and you're right...Karma Bites.
Hi Jenny
Im sorry to hear your story.
Keep going gurl, based from your words you are a strong woman. Dont let him ruin everything whats left for you
I would suggest try to talk to him all the issues. And from then make a decision. Its not easy gurl but i know you are a brave woman.
I will pray for you.
Keep smiling..........
Life changing tip:
Never put your willie in a hot water tap![]()
Keith - Administrator
:-(..sad story....time heals all wounds....someone will come your way, and that someone will love you and will make you happy.
"Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."
I am not losing faith in love.... It's hard, but I have to move on and forget him... No hay mal que dure cien anos... I know time will heal all my wounds... I just do hope that moving on will not take me too long.... It feels so difficult to start moving on... I wish there's light at the end of the tunnel...
Welcome to the forum Jenny.
I was touched by your story and I wish you all the best
Cheer up!
Hi jennyits good that it happen this way.You find out the truth before saying your "I DO" to him he`s not woth it,consider him as part of you nightmare.As what mavid said its his loss!and I agree with ann said you`re such A brave lady.Right love comes in a right time.God Has special one for you!dont lose hope...
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
hi Jenny it was very fortunate that you have learn who he really is before you have committed yourself.
Your time will come.God bless you.
True love waits.
welcome here to the forum!
just forget about tha past and welcome the new day in ur life.ur still young and u can find the perfect man 4 u soon.i will pray for u sis
So sorry to read your letter Jenny.. it seems reading between the lines..he is very immature mantally when it comes down to your thing for you is...forget maybe hard..but it's the only advise in the long run....oh..and by the UK men are not all like him...thank goodness.................and Win2Win..why did you put your willie in the hot water tap? hmm I'll bet that stung for a while.. hehehehe...still being Welsh? they do do some strange things.. hehehehe
Hi Jenny,
Can you post a picture of this bloke?
Best Wishes,
A friend, here in Tagum, had a similar experience with a French guy. The met on the net, he came to visit then, a week after he returned to France he ceased all communication.
The poor pinay said thet she would wait a year to hear from him, before moving on. I advised her not to waste her time.
hello jenny. im sorry to hear your sad story.good thing you have discovered it early than its too late. i know how you feel coz ive tried that before with another guy too. but hey what the heck... we have to move on and we just wait for the right man.... it will just come![]()
by the way what visa did u apply? im a bit confuse??
hi jenn dont worry doble pa ang karma na makukuha nya...move on and enjoy life...and also its his lost not urs....:-)
..there is one way to true and lasting peace....THAT WAY IS GOD'S WILL
welcome to the forum!
You dont deserve some one like him.. Good luck in your new chapter...
sorry to hear your story... yeah can you post pic of him the story sounds familiar...
♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.
Absit invidia
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I feel for you... just try to forget about him and think that he never existed in your life. You have to move on...
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