Spent most of my work day between two registry offices in South Wales trying to get a provisional booking, without any joy. They will not give a provisional booking unless Shei is in the UK. (Superintendent seems a bit of a jobsworth, showed no flexibility at all). I even asked them if they could provide a letter stating that I, at least, enquired about booking a date.
Has anyone else had problems getting provisional bookings at registry offices? And how important are they? The ECO Handbook guides (as listed by Peter) say that a provisional booking is not necessarily a sign that a marriage will take place, but helps to show that there is an intent to get married. However, most people here seem to have got a provisional arrangement of some sort (maybe it differs from region to region). Others have been refused because there is no date.
If I am unable to get this document, the $64,000 question is - would this impact negatively on an application? If so, would a provisional booking for, say, a wedding reception, car hire and a wedding photographer be satisfactory? To my mind, this would serve the same purpose as a provisional booking with a registrar. It shows an intent, and that satisfies the conditions.
Any thoughts?