Quote Originally Posted by socool007 View Post
Thanks for your help again guys, surely they cant back date the law i.e. as we put in for it on the 29th October and it did not come in until the end of november please tell me we will be ok.shes 21 july 25th
take care x
oh i think they are suppose to judge a app on what the current rules and immigration laws are at that time, if you submitted your app in oct, but they haven't processed it til say dec, maybe the rules being 21 will apply, and if there is no concession for those in a 'gray' area, then who knows ?

I've pasted the text from the link of the immigration law concerning age a few times .. (Any entry clearance application from a spouse/civil partner (i.e. a married person or a person in a civil partnership who would be under the age of 21 years when entering the UK) should, therefore, be refused. )

seems to me, if she would be under 21 when entering the UK , it doesn't even say when you applied or the date a visa would be issued, but the date entering the UK, i take it that means if she is under 21 when she lands in the UK at immigration, they will refuse her

if not heard of anyone being refused yet because of their age, but that might be because many are over 21, and also it can take 10wks to know the result of your visa app, so i would think we will know soon if people are being refused.. good luck to all thou