Doubtless at this momentous time in the lifespan of our planet, the immortalised words attributed to the religious fundamentalist and spiritual leader, Martin Luther King, will be firmly etched in the memories of esteemed members of my vintage.

Equally, historical records and the mass media - most notably radio, television and film - have ensured that such events have been recorded for posterity, and are thus not lost on those who, as of then, were either scarcely a "twinkle in their daddies' eye" or whose first tooth had barely been cut (let alone lengthened!).

Reportedly, Senator Barack Obama's entire election campaign was fought cleanly - without the slightest hint of political sleaze - and for this reason, if nothing else, his triumphant "ascension" to the *White House [or should*that now be re-named the 'Black House'?] deserves to be applauded.

As many of you will already be aware, I am neither black nor American. I'm simply an ordinary, straightforward Scot who has long-despised any form of racial intolerance (God knows, my goodwill even extends to my "neighbours" from south of the Border ... ha,ha!). All joking aside, it's not the colour of a person's skin that matters - nor his/her religious persuasions; it's what's inside his/her heart that's important.

Which is why I consider Obama's win an overwhelming victory for Civil Rights' Movements everywhere. I wish him and his yet to be appointed team every success in their efforts to "deliver the goods" at such a crucial point in world history. Likewise, as clearly stated in an earlier submission, it is my intention to apply the same principled honesty in my dealings with the Immigration Authorities in the coming weeks. So, all you guys and gals [(with apologies to Jimmy Saville ... though maybe he could "fix it!") (especially those of you old enough to remember the Glasgow trams)] let's be getting you down on your knees (arthritic joints permitting, of course) to help fulfil MY dream (or more correctly, mine & Myrna's) without wearing out the 'prayer mats'.

