thanks for the replies/advice guys-much appreciated, in fact glad to say that my situation has changed again...only this time for the better in that i now have 2 FT job offers and so the pressure is now off phew!!, hope now that we should be ok and all is set and in place for us to marry and then apply for the visa-just 1 more quick question though-when applying for the local version of the CNI at the embassy my understanding is that this is issued the sameday? is this so? do i need to go up to 15th floor for this? how long aprox does it take to be issued? and lastly whats the best time to go there for this eg: early AM?, thanks in advance
p.s-looking to make a reservation at a seafood/chinese resturant in or close to Manila bay, near the U.S embassy...think its named blue water? can anyone please confirm this?