So let me tell you how it should be !!!

You are not engaged to a filipina !!!!

This lady has a name...her name might be Josi Villero Hernandez, if it is and by the way this name is a made up dont think it's a living person..hahahah but if it is... then her name is Josi Hernandez...she isn't a object..a rag doll you saw at the toy store.

There are certainly not millions of Josi Hernandez's out there in the Philippines, she is a unique individual, just like Sharon Smith the girl next used to go out with..or Stacy Thompson that girl you sat next to in Arts and Crafts when you were getting bored...and thinking about ways to wag school.

So you are engaged to a lovely unique individual who is going to love you for the rest of your life and be your wife...and do everything that is required of a let me be a little hard on you and state "That if you are too ashamed to take your relationship public and shout about it from the roof tops then quite frankly you don't deserve her"

She is worth much more than that....and rightly remembering that none of your freinds,work colleagues or family know the slightest thing about they..they don't know how hard she worked to get herself a Batchelors degree...they don't know how her Father worked hard to put her through University of the Philippines, they don't know anything about your fiancee' how can they judge. her.

No one can make judgement about anyone they have never can you make a defence in public, about your lovely Filipina bride that is to be...if you can't then maybe you are ashamed of your relationship...and if you are..then perhaps its better not for you to take it any further....because when you finally end up together in the United Kingdom living together as Man and Wife..she is going to need all the support you can give her...because this time..she is the foreigner and
People think that you are basically a guy who cannot get a woman in this country..people will assume that all Filipina's are the same...and just marry for economic migration.

You have 2 options here

Educate people about your love for her, and be prepared to defend her in public in any given situation.

Or Hide away from them.

If you choose the easy option, that is to hide are basically admitting that you cannot defend your front of our own people...if that is the are in for some trouble...if you take option 1...your relationship can go from great to Fantastic, and anyone including your close family, your work colleagues and freinds, will be in no doubt as to the serious of your relatioship so best of luck.