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Thread: still waiting for the result as a fiancee visa and dependant visa application

  1. #1
    bobsbon's Avatar
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    still waiting for the result as a fiancee visa and dependant visa application

    hello everyone! i am just new here but ive been regularly visiting this forum for ages now..few months ago, my sister reffered me to this site as according to her this site is really helpful to someone like me who's applying as a settlement visa for uk. And it really does! every now and then i visit this site and even witnessed those people who been successfully granted a visa! My fiance ang I just recently got engaged here in the Philippines. (Last July) I met him last year 2005 through my bro- in-law who lives in uk together with my sister and their lovely daughter. Our relationship started last year September 2005 and communicate almost everyday through mobile, exchange text messages and spent loads of time chatting til dawn. And then we finally met in person when he phoned me and surprised me one day last December telling he was here in the Philippines. And i must say that was the greatest christmas ive ever had in my life, spending it with him, with my daughter and with the rest of my family. From then on we started planning our life together in the future. And on his 2nd visit last July we finally get engaged and applied as a fiancee visa and a dependant visa for my daughter last July 27th. My fiance hoping he already brought us with him when he gets back to london, doesnt have any idea that it might takes ages to process the visa application not until the ukvacs told him that it would take upto max 3 months to process it. Now hes already went back to his work in london after spending almost 4weeks here in the Philippines. We havent heard any from the embassy yet 4 weeks after we lodged our application. I hope the embassy consider our applications as we are booked for our wedding on Sept 29th. We have included the proofs in the applications along with the reservation letter for the Wedding Reception Venue. I hope to hear any from the embassy in this week coming if am still entitled for an interview or not we are both starting to get bothered that we are running out of time for the preparation of our wedding. I must admit were both not aware of the visa processing that it takes months to process it, but I cant blame my fiance for booking our wedding earlier and didnt think of giving any allowance for the wedding, i suppose he just wanted us so much to get there as much as his mum and dad does as soon as possible that they cant wait to meet me and my daughter infact i appreciate so much that they gave their whole support to our application that they actually provided some documents that might help for a positive result for the application (my fiance been staying to his parents house so were planning to stay there until we find a house for us to stay.) this includes their council tax, their bank statements, passport copies and their letter saying they are welcoming us to stay in their house.

    I just have one question would it help if my fiance pursue on contacting the embassy particularly the visa section to follow up our applications? Hes been trying to phoning them for a few days now getting up so early uk time just to catch up the people in embassy in manila was quite effort hes giving just to follow up the application.

    Thank you so much for spending time to read my case. And my fiance and I kept our finger cross for the progress of our application.


  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Send the embassy a Fax explaining things, that way you know someone has.....although what they do with it is another matter!!

    You say you have a daughter, are you bringing her to the UK as well?

    If you had applied last year you'd have been waiting around 6 months!!! This year much quicker 1 week - 3 months.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobsbon
    I just have one question would it help if my fiance pursue on contacting the embassy particularly the visa section to follow up our applications? Bon
    Hi Bon,
    Nice to see you here. There's an email address that I used to contact the embassy when I was trying to help my wife answer some of the more ambiguous questions on the VAF2 form, which usually got a response from the visa section in Manila, but I tried to make an enquiry the other day and at the moment it just gives an "away from the office" automated response, from one Entry Clearance Assistant, which says "I will be away from 25 August - 25 September. For visa enquiries, please send it to", which is where I sent the email in the first place. Maybe the whole visa section has gone on vacation!

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby
    Hi Bon,
    Nice to see you here. There's an email address that I used to contact the embassy when I was trying to help my wife answer some of the more ambiguous questions on the VAF2 form, which usually got a response from the visa section in Manila, but I tried to make an enquiry the other day and at the moment it just gives an "away from the office" automated response, from one Entry Clearance Assistant, which says "I will be away from 25 August - 25 September. For visa enquiries, please send it to", which is where I sent the email in the first place. Maybe the whole visa section has gone on vacation!
    Last year i too emailled the address above and got eco on leave, but i recieved a further emaill from a memeber of staff very shortly after.
    i was impressed how quickly emails were replyed too.

    One suggestion would be to be very careful with checking the junk mail folder of your email just in case an email ends up in there. Some junk mail filters are just a littler bit too overzealous sometimes.

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul
    One suggestion would be to be very careful with checking the junk mail folder of your email just in case an email ends up in there. Some junk mail filters are just a littler bit too overzealous sometimes.
    My email has a spam filter on it that simply inserts the Word "SPAM" both before and after the subject line and it doesn't junk any emails automatically, although any potentially harmful attachments may also be removed at the firewall and reported as such in the body of the email.


  6. #6
    bobsbon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    You say you have a daughter, are you bringing her to the UK as well?
    hi ya Win2Win,

    Thanks for the advice about sending them a letter thru fax. That gave me an idea anyway.
    yes am bringing my daughter with me in the uk as we have as well applied a settlement visa for her and paid for it. well my fiance doesnt want her to leave here.


    P.S do you know the fax number of the british embassy as they got no fax numbers posted on their site?

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Philippines (Manila)
    Responsible Mission:British Embassy, Manila, Philippines
    Street Address:Floors 15-17, LV Locsin Building 6752 Ayala Avenue, Corner of Makati Avenue 1226 Makati
    Postal Address:(PO Box 2927 MCPO) Manila
    Telephone:(63) (2) 816 7116
    Fax:(63) (2) 815 4809
    Opening Hours:Mon-Thur: 0000-0830, Fri: 0000-0600, Consular/Visa: 0000-0500
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    bobsbon's Avatar
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