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  1. #1
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    How life has changed!

    It's 2pm CET and I'm sitting within lounge 52 at Schiphol Amsterdam. This particular seat is incredibly comfortable, perhaps testimony to the number of times I have sat in this very seat for hours on end awaitig connecting flights. As I sit I am looking at the numerous slaves to business travel around me. They range from the loud-mouthed Americans shouting for public note into their Balckberries, to the group of quietly spoken Kenyans discussing the outcome of one recent US presidential election. Lastly, I look at my left hand from which the usual fixture of my wedding band is missing. In a rush to make my flight, I left my ring behind.

    I'm contemplating. I've left the love of my life behind at home, along with two friends we met through the forum. I would love to be at home having brunch with them but I'm not.

    It's amazing how things have changed. I am so incomplete without my queen by my side. I used to love the challenging presentations and the tight punishing schedules I've put myself through for so long. Not anymore. Friends that passed by our house yesterday, commented on how homely our house is now and how at peace I am. It's all due to Pia.

    I have been a bit concerned since Pia has been here, that she had lost some of her confidence. In da Phils Pia would lead me everywhere and she would organise everything. It was her 'manor' so to speak and she oozed confidence in all that she did. Since being here, I have struggled to get her to talk to Brits on the phone and in person. She also has never ventured outside of the house unless I've been with her. I know that I should be careful what I wish for. Certainly though, being pregnant and in a new country has been key to her 'shyness'.

    You know, each day I enjoy new revelations about her. You will appreciate that not having lived together for any extended period previously, it has been difficult to know how much of what I've seen of her since she has been here has been influenced by her being pregnant and coping with hormonal changes. I'm not talking about arguments as we are yet to have one; I'm simply referring to knowing the esssential her.

    Now that Pia has emerged from her 'morning sickness' phase, I am gradually seeing her returning to the true Pia and its a beautiful blessing to behold. Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. My wife has long mantained that she cannot cook well. This weekend my wife also cooked a Nigerian dish for the first time, which commanded moans of delight from my Nigerian guest at the weekend. She also made so many painstacking pinoy dishes I had not even heard of before, for us all to enjoy. I saw so many things in her this weekend that others would not, afterall, I'm her signifcant other.

    When I first met Pia, I fell in love with her not just because of who she was but also because of the woman that I always knew she will become. I always want to be with her, which brings me back to my earlier thoughts. Our house is now a home and a refuge for us and Pia is my sanctuary. I am more motivated to be a better man for her than I have ever been for anyone else.

    I nominate today as Celebrate the love of your life day! Even if you believe that you show your better half that you love her/him every day; why not go that extra mile today and let them know how special they are to you and how they have changed you and your life, for the better.

    I have to board now so will stop my ramblings.

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Hi Amigo I enjoy reading that So nice of you, you are just both a blessing for each other and a bunos for your upcoming baby.

    I will catch up sometimes with Pia. I am just working straight now while my husband is off from work.

    Life is so beautiful especially having our love ones beside us always.
    GBu always both and you are always in my prayer.


  3. #3
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    Very Sweet.

  4. #4
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post

    I have been a bit concerned since Pia has been here that she had lost some of her confidence. In da Phils Pia would lead me everywhere and she would organise everything. It was her 'manor' so to speak and she oozed confidence in all that she did. Since being here I have struggled to get her to talk to Brits on the phone and in person. She also has never ventured outside of the house unless I've been with her. I know that i should be careful what I wish for. Certianly though, being pregnant and in a new country has been key to her 'shyness'.
    Exactly the same with Jassmine too! I suppose given time, this will change.

    Have a great time and Best Wishes,

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I nearly lost my wedding ring at schipol how freaky it must be the bemuda triangle for Rings

    I was thinking it must be so tough with a job like yours which involves so much travel.

    Dont worry Pia will be fine soon, i can still remeber the day the Wife went to the local shop for the first time and other what seemed a massive operation. With me left on tender hooks between calls. Infact nowdays the local shopkeepers know her better than me and has spent ages chattin to them.
    She rarley left the house, in the beginning and counted the days untill I or one of the family took her out.
    Then for the first few weeks we religously would go to our Local Shopping centre on all the possible Bus routes even long routes using the detour of another town. This meant ery quickly she could zoom here there and every where.

    Now she is all over the place and proably knows central london better than many locals who live on the outskirts. Certainly better than many Phills and other people recent arrivals.

    Why did she well I was a bit naughty and took her out of her comfort zone. We of course did all the big sights and sounds of london. But i also took her to areas of the beaten track which were more her style.
    We learned all the routes there and back. Her phone had lists along with GPS all set up she had printed out lists you name it as back up. In the end she never really used them. She either rang me or simply asked a person with Local knowledge (Traffic warden, community police or street warden were safe bets)
    Recently she showed several young ladies from her workplace round london all indigeous white brits who lived in outer London all their lives

    This did take a while and of course she was not blessed with pregnancy which does complicate matters a tiny bit.

    But trust me Piamed soon she will be showing YOU round Leeds and introducing you to people she knows in and around the area

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Wow another person expressing the love for their beloved filipina,

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedc143 View Post
    Wow another person expressing the love for their beloved filipina,
    I never knew just how much a Filipina can make a man happy.

    I heard comments from many men I met along the way, but a Filipina's devotion is something to behold when she is in our lives

    It must be something in the water there

  8. #8
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    what a lucky wife and a sweet husband

    " Life is too short to be anything but happy."

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I am more motivated to be a better man for her than I have ever been for anyone else.
    Piamed, you are so lucky to have your mahal by your side now, but the best thing is that you truly know this and that you are enjoying every day with her. It must be so good to be with her after the "long wait"

    I wish I could be going through all the new experiences with my wife as you are doing now.
    It must be a real treat to be with the one you love, but it must also be changing how you see life and must be making you reappraise your working life.

    I don't have any experience with my wife being new in the UK, but it must be quite daunting for Pia, and indeed a learning experience for both of you.

    Perhaps because she is pregnant AND in a new country, she may be just taking things very slow. There will be plenty of time when you will both be rushed off your feet when the baby/toddler is with you.

    I understand what you mean about being the best you can be. I am far from my lovely wife but I am working 70 hour weeks just so I can save money for her arrival in a few months. When we know how wonderful our wife or husband is, nothing is too much for them.

    If we give all we can to our mahal without expecting anything in return, life will be good.

    Enjoy all your hours together

  10. #10
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    It must be a real treat to be with the one you love, but it must also be changing how you see life and must be making you reappraise your working life.
    Indeed! For me it has meant giving up work altogether and I now see life from the Philippines.

    We are also looking forward to our new arrival early in the new year, but hoping that the house will be completed first!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I have been a bit concerned since Pia has been here, that she had lost some of her confidence. In da Phils Pia would lead me everywhere and she would organise everything. It was her 'manor' so to speak and she oozed confidence in all that she did. Since being here, I have struggled to get her to talk to Brits on the phone and in person. She also has never ventured outside of the house unless I've been with her. I know that i should be careful what I wish for. Certianly though, being pregnant and in a new country has been key to her 'shyness'.
    It is imperative that you help Pia in finding a small circle of "her" own friends, pinays and what not....

    Being pregnant in alien surroundings, without any friendly faces or voices, familiar noises, etc. can be depressing.
    She must be feeling very lonely indeed when you are away on business, and regardless how often she sees or talks to you, it may not be enough to assuage her temporary insecurity.
    Showering her with gifts is only a momentary release and in my view it is a short term solution to what could be a long term (9 months) problem.
    Pinays have the bad habit of not talking about what worries them, or if they say something it is usually what they want you to know, so that they don't cause you to worry unduly.

    We wish you all the best.

    Dom & Jet

  12. #12
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    What a great post! Also, what a pleasant thread it has turned into.


  13. #13
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    My Connie was like a fish out water at first, but trust me, it will change. Once she started singing at Karaoke nights in the pubs her confidence rocketed with the praise heaped upon her. When she joined her band it was cemented by the reception she got everywhere. Once she found the local Filipino group she could be back at home for a while. She is now both loved and respected by a very mixed bunch of people, led by me of course. We are now in Cebu for the winter and she is going through it all again, but here in her home country. Now she feels at least half British and is so very proud of her adopted country it brings tears to my eyes sometimes. Give your loved one time and all will be great I am sure. By the way, thanks to both Keith and Alan, also here in Cebu and helping us to have friends. This group works guys!

  14. #14
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    Hi Amigo I enjoy reading that So nice of you, you are just both a blessing for each other and a bunos for your upcoming baby.

    I will catch up sometimes with Pia. I am just working straight now while my husband is off from work.

    Life is so beautiful especially having our love ones beside us always.
    GBu always both and you are always in my prayer.

    Hi amiga ko. Thanks for your posting; we always look forward to chatting with you.Hope you are not working too hard. God bless you always.

    Quote Originally Posted by mavid View Post
    Very Sweet.
    Maraming salamat Mavid.

    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    Exactly the same with Jassmine too! I suppose given time, this will change.

    Have a great time and Best Wishes,
    Cheers BenB. Not long for you guys now. All the best.

    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    I nearly lost my wedding ring at schipol how freaky it must be the bemuda triangle for Rings

    I was thinking it must be so tough with a job like yours which involves so much travel.

    Dont worry Pia will be fine soon, i can still remeber the day the Wife went to the local shop for the first time and other what seemed a massive operation. With me left on tender hooks between calls. Infact nowdays the local shopkeepers know her better than me and has spent ages chattin to them.
    She rarley left the house, in the beginning and counted the days untill I or one of the family took her out.
    Then for the first few weeks we religously would go to our Local Shopping centre on all the possible Bus routes even long routes using the detour of another town. This meant ery quickly she could zoom here there and every where.

    Now she is all over the place and proably knows central london better than many locals who live on the outskirts. Certainly better than many Phills and other people recent arrivals.

    Why did she well I was a bit naughty and took her out of her comfort zone. We of course did all the big sights and sounds of london. But i also took her to areas of the beaten track which were more her style.
    We learned all the routes there and back. Her phone had lists along with GPS all set up she had printed out lists you name it as back up. In the end she never really used them. She either rang me or simply asked a person with Local knowledge (Traffic warden, community police or street warden were safe bets)
    Recently she showed several young ladies from her workplace round london all indigeous white brits who lived in outer London all their lives

    This did take a while and of course she was not blessed with pregnancy which does complicate matters a tiny bit.

    But trust me Piamed soon she will be showing YOU round Leeds and introducing you to people she knows in and around the area
    Thanks for the encouragement mate. Pia is gradually finding herself again and tells me I should be careful with her going out regularly with our cards in her bag. Actually, Pia is very good with money.

    Quote Originally Posted by jedc143 View Post
    Wow another person expressing the love for their beloved filipina,
    Musta ka amiga? It's too easy to express my love for her. Hope to see you again soon.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Piamed, you are so lucky to have your mahal by your side now, but the best thing is that you truly know this and that you are enjoying every day with her. It must be so good to be with her after the "long wait"

    I wish I could be going through all the new experiences with my wife as you are doing now.
    It must be a real treat to be with the one you love, but it must also be changing how you see life and must be making you reappraise your working life.

    I don't have any experience with my wife being new in the UK, but it must be quite daunting for Pia, and indeed a learning experience for both of you.

    Perhaps because she is pregnant AND in a new country, she may be just taking things very slow. There will be plenty of time when you will both be rushed off your feet when the baby/toddler is with you.

    I understand what you mean about being the best you can be. I am far from my lovely wife but I am working 70 hour weeks just so I can save money for her arrival in a few months. When we know how wonderful our wife or husband is, nothing is too much for them.

    If we give all we can to our mahal without expecting anything in return, life will be good.

    Enjoy all your hours together
    Thanks for your post mate. Your time is coming too. I'm so motivated to be all i can. Whn i come home with the food shopping i always announce, " I'm home baby, I have risked life and limb hunting so that my family can eat". Driving across Leeds to Tescos probably can't often be described like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I never knew just how much a Filipina can make a man happy.

    I heard comments from many men I met along the way, but a Filipina's devotion is something to behold when she is in our lives

    It must be something in the water there
    We only have flouride in ours over here.

    Quote Originally Posted by gracia_006 View Post
    what a lucky wife and a sweet husband
    Thank you Gracia. I think all of us on here are lucky one way or another.

    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    It is imperative that you help Pia in finding a small circle of "her" own friends, pinays and what not....

    Being pregnant in alien surroundings, without any friendly faces or voices, familiar noises, etc. can be depressing.
    She must be feeling very lonely indeed when you are away on business, and regardless how often she sees or talks to you, it may not be enough to assuage her temporary insecurity.
    Showering her with gifts is only a momentary release and in my view it is a short term solution to what could be a long term (9 months) problem.
    Pinays have the bad habit of not talking about what worries them, or if they say something it is usually what they want you to know, so that they don't cause you to worry unduly.

    We wish you all the best.

    Dom & Jet
    I could not agree more amigo. I certainly worry more about people making new friends than Pia does and am pleased to say that we now have several people that we communicate with and see from time to time. By and by Pia is making friends and is certainly emerging further each day.

    Oh, I'd love to shower with gifts but we are saving for the future and to be honest, we both seem to value smaller and simpler things such as acts of kindness, far more.

    All the best to Jet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post

    What a great post! Also, what a pleasant thread it has turned into.

    Thanks so much Al. I do hope that life is progressing well over there. When we visit next year we would really love to come obver to Cebu to see you.

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Indeed! For me it has meant giving up work altogether and I now see life from the Philippines.

    We are also looking forward to our new arrival early in the new year, but hoping that the house will be completed first!
    I would love to do something other than the work I have for now but the time is not yet right for us. I want to buy a new family home within a couple of years if possible.

    Good luck with your new house!

    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    My Connie was like a fish out water at first, but trust me, it will change. Once she started singing at Karaoke nights in the pubs her confidence rocketed with the praise heaped upon her. When she joined her band it was cemented by the reception she got everywhere. Once she found the local Filipino group she could be back at home for a while. She is now both loved and respected by a very mixed bunch of people, led by me of course. We are now in Cebu for the winter and she is going through it all again, but here in her home country. Now she feels at least half British and is so very proud of her adopted country it brings tears to my eyes sometimes. Give your loved one time and all will be great I am sure. By the way, thanks to both Keith and Alan, also here in Cebu and helping us to have friends. This group works guys!
    Thanks so much for your words of encouragement David. Glad things are working out for you both there. All the best.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  15. #15
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    AWWWWWWW! so sweet! I all husbands are like you! My hubby doesn't even want to wear our wedding ring! He just doesn't want to wear any rings or watches. anyways, your wife is so lucky tp have you because you appreciate everything she does for you.

  16. #16
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    Two thumbs up of sweetness..

  17. #17
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    Thats very sweet.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    I will be off this week. I know even my husband is complaining now thats why im asking less than 20 hours a week now

    Nevermind, this will not last long hehehehehe!
    God bless you always

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