It's 2pm CET and I'm sitting within lounge 52 at Schiphol Amsterdam. This particular seat is incredibly comfortable, perhaps testimony to the number of times I have sat in this very seat for hours on end awaitig connecting flights. As I sit I am looking at the numerous slaves to business travel around me. They range from the loud-mouthed Americans shouting for public note into their Balckberries, to the group of quietly spoken Kenyans discussing the outcome of one recent US presidential election. Lastly, I look at my left hand from which the usual fixture of my wedding band is missing. In a rush to make my flight, I left my ring behind.
I'm contemplating. I've left the love of my life behind at home, along with two friends we met through the forum. I would love to be at home having brunch with them but I'm not.
It's amazing how things have changed. I am so incomplete without my queen by my side. I used to love the challenging presentations and the tight punishing schedules I've put myself through for so long. Not anymore. Friends that passed by our house yesterday, commented on how homely our house is now and how at peace I am. It's all due to Pia.
I have been a bit concerned since Pia has been here, that she had lost some of her confidence. In da Phils Pia would lead me everywhere and she would organise everything. It was her 'manor' so to speak and she oozed confidence in all that she did. Since being here, I have struggled to get her to talk to Brits on the phone and in person. She also has never ventured outside of the house unless I've been with her. I know that I should be careful what I wish for.Certainly though, being pregnant and in a new country has been key to her 'shyness'.
You know, each day I enjoy new revelations about her. You will appreciate that not having lived together for any extended period previously, it has been difficult to know how much of what I've seen of her since she has been here has been influenced by her being pregnant and coping with hormonal changes. I'm not talking about arguments as we are yet to have one; I'm simply referring to knowing the esssential her.
Now that Pia has emerged from her 'morning sickness' phase, I am gradually seeing her returning to the true Pia and its a beautiful blessing to behold. Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. My wife has long mantained that she cannot cook well. This weekend my wife also cooked a Nigerian dish for the first time, which commanded moans of delight from my Nigerian guest at the weekend. She also made so many painstacking pinoy dishes I had not even heard of before, for us all to enjoy. I saw so many things in her this weekend that others would not, afterall, I'm her signifcant other.
When I first met Pia, I fell in love with her not just because of who she was but also because of the woman that I always knew she will become. I always want to be with her, which brings me back to my earlier thoughts. Our house is now a home and a refuge for us and Pia is my sanctuary. I am more motivated to be a better man for her than I have ever been for anyone else.
I nominate today as Celebrate the love of your life day! Even if you believe that you show your better half that you love her/him every day; why not go that extra mile today and let them know how special they are to you and how they have changed you and your life, for the better.
I have to board now so will stop my ramblings.