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Thread: So sad

  1. #31
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    In my opinion its all the same...some Pinoy couples are snobbish bec yes they are nurses and lets say got higher education however there are some Pinay- married-to-Brit who think they are superior as well, just bec they are prettier?!?! or think they are pretty/sexy, that they married a Brit...

    I just ignore those people and doesnt deserve my attention, if I happen to see a Pinoy somewhere...if they smile to me first then I smile back but if they just look at me with no expression....i just walk past them. However I do get to meet a few who chats with me specially at Mcdo where I work, you know Pinoys they want freebies

  2. #32
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    forget those snobbish filipino. better to have a few but quality kind of friends...

  3. #33
    Member Fullofhope's Avatar
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    yeah there's this one time we went to Portsmouth and then theres this Filipina lady or I dont know if shes a lady hehe she just sneered at my BF and looked at me and saw this disgust look on her face, my BF was like whats with her? HAha just thinkng about it makes me wonder and smile. Why would they do such things? to think they are fellow Filipinos.

  4. #34
    Member Fullofhope's Avatar
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    Geraldine, I can say that I am not ugly and I went to a good college in the Phils. and a Brit for a BF and guapo to boot hehehe, but I dont behave like that.

  5. #35
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fullofhope View Post
    Geraldine, I can say that I am not ugly and I went to a good college in the Phils. and a Brit for a BF and guapo to boot hehehe, but I dont behave like that.
    my indian workmate said to me that some indians are snobbish to their fellow indians so not only pinoys too. For 4 years here now I saw loads of pinoys who are really snobbish but I am not bothered at all I am not here to make friends to all filipinos I am here to work and if I met (which I did) a nice filipinos that's a plus for me.

  6. #36
    andypaul's Avatar
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    A question to those who think all of their country folk should be there friend abroad?

    Do you get on with all phills in phill?

    I cant say im a friend of every Brit i meet in the Uk so why would i when im abroad?

    But i get on with many people who are non brit by birth who have moved to the UK.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    But i get on with many people who are non brit by birth who have moved to the UK.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww........ Thanks pal.....

  8. #38
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    my indian workmate said to me that some indians are snobbish to their fellow indians so not only pinoys too. For 4 years here now I saw loads of pinoys who are really snobbish but I am not bothered at all I am not here to make friends to all filipinos I am here to work and if I met (which I did) a nice filipinos that's a plus for me.

  9. #39
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    A question to those who think all of their country folk should be there friend abroad?

    Do you get on with all phills in phill?

    I cant say im a friend of every Brit i meet in the Uk so why would i when im abroad?

    But i get on with many people who are non brit by birth who have moved to the UK.

  10. #40
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Hmmmm my opinion is not everyone either filipino or Brits are tht Friendly hehehehe.. you cannot please every one Life must go on

  11. #41
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    the best thing that i've experienced here with Filipinos was when I was hospitalized for 2 weeks last year...

    and met great & funny Filipino nurses... they aint snobish but are genuinely nice & happy...

    worry not... you will find lots of nice Pinoys here someday... just do not be like them hehe...

  12. #42
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    Hi fullofhope,

    dont be sad you are not alone in your experience. i arrived here in england almost a month now and i have the same experience. in time we will fine good friends both filipinos and british.

    sometimes i saw someone asian and im not sure if he/she was pinoy. my trick is to say "kabayan" well everyone knows from the philippines what that means.

    meantime, im keeping myself busy and inculturating myself. here in this forum there are lots of pinoys that you can befriend even if they live far from you. it makes me at home whenever i log on to this site.

    if you miss hearing tagalog turn on your computer and log on to and you will view tv patrol with sounds of course. it always makes me feel like back home plus i am updated of whats going on in the phils.

    do not lose hope, they are right just ignore those pinoys who are snubbish. dont even analize why they are like that. like i said in time we will find good friends here in uk. take good care and good luck

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fullofhope View Post
    Or is it beause they are here now in UK and it got into their head?
    Expect it from many pinays because they are here now, their feet is no longer touched the ground and cannot reach them. Sometimes, sa airplane pa lang feeling rich na.

    I have a friend for 20 years and did something really really bad against me. But after 5 years, i came to her doorstep to forgive her for what happened in our past. We became friends again and told me to help her find a british husband and I helped her. When she came over, she visited me and insulted me. She said I only live with my in-laws, no house unlike her they rent council house. Asked me why I am working as she feels she doesn't need to work and said her hubby can support her. She said she always go shopping buy appliances etc. And many insulting words that I've got from her. I just told her you're just newly arrived in this country. You don't know yet how expensive here.

    After 2 weeks, she came again, and asked me if she can use my name as reference for applying a job. She said she always look at electric and gas meter. She never invited me to visit her in their house. Everytime they visit us, I feed them and waiting for invitation to visit them at their council house. She is aloof now. The reason why I don't know

    I know she will comeback again. She's a nice person, just that sometimes, we forget where we came from. Other's Pinay's feet are above the ground. What UK made them cannot reach anymore???:

  14. #44
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Its a very,very small world I know this lady,if she ever comes back on the site "Hi V " She came to the UK,liked the country,she is now back in Alabang,hope you finally sort things with Dave V

  15. #45
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    you dont need friends your husband is your closest and most important friend and dont forget it

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post
    you dont need friends your husband is your closest and most important friend and dont forget it
    Exactly, my husband is my most important friend and the best friend i'll ever have and will always be. Marriage is also about friendship so you should be best of friends as much as you are a couple. And in regards to gaining friends (local or filipina), you don't rush. You take time in getting to know the people you meet. I always believe that in friendship - you don' go for the quantity, you go for the quality.

  17. #47
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I have two friends,kind of sad huh?But theres a huge chasm between friends and aquaintances,friends can be called upon any time night or day from wherever they are in the world As for the lady in this thread she is back with her family in pinas,I hope she does return to the site,she can post the pics of her at stoneheng wearing "That" hat Sorry V

  18. #48
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Nowt wrong with a council house in the north-east penny I was brought up in one,pretty rough area,but the neighbours were great

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Exactly, my husband is my most important friend and the best friend i'll ever have and will always be. Marriage is also about friendship so you should be best of friends as much as you are a couple. And in regards to gaining friends (local or filipina), you don't rush. You take time in getting to know the people you meet. I always believe that in friendship - you don' go for the quantity, you go for the quality.
    Thats absolutely damn right Sophia,and relatively to the title of the thread....Sad.... We should be very careful on the friend we choose,...very careful... might they are the snake

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fullofhope View Post
    I've been here in UK for a month now, went to many malls and saw a lot of Filipino's they are snobbish. Tried to talk to some but they are not warm or friendly. Tis sad. was expecting them to be nice or friendly coz I am in a way one of them but not having that here. sad
    Our experience is actually different and we are in London. Daisy will confidently identify other Filipinos and there will at least be an exchange of smiles and often a brief chat.

    The best experience was going up an escalator at Victoria Station. Daisy was a little ahead of me and a couple of oriental looking women were coming down. As they passed Daisy their faces lit up - yes they were Filipinos!

    Her confidence in identifying her fellow nationals isnt 100% accurate though. She has had brief chats with at least one Thai and one Vietnamese - quickly realising that they are speaking different languages but still exchanging words in English.

  21. #51
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    you dont need friends your husband is your closest and most important friend and dont forget it

    my husband is fine and we are very close but to me at this particular point being here in england, i do need friends. i feel that i still need friends as much if not much more here than in the phils. my reality at the moment is that i do not feel i belong kind of a fish out of water. i think it takes time. i sure can use a good friend.

    I feel that bit by bit i am becoming slowly at home here which is good. yes i do agree it takes time to make friends, good friends. i heard so many stories about pinoys feeling superior once they are in foreighn lands. that is indeed very sad.

    anyways, even if i am in mars i still will need a friend only this time a martian take good care guys....

  22. #52
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    I agree that some filipinos become snobbish when they leave the Philippines. Can hardly raise a smile from the ones I try to talk to in the UK, US, or Saudi Arabia. They look at me like I am Charles Manson I sometimes make my kids stand next to me, the mestizo is there if you look hard enough. No reaction. In the Philippines my kids are the centre of attraction, TV commercial try outs etc!

  23. #53
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    What UK made them cannot reach anymore???

    The UK didnt make anyone bad, it`s their own personality that does it. Too many people think of the material things they have. Or sometimes wherever they`ve been in the world. You know, " i`ve been to lots of places and you havnt " , that sort of thing.
    Wherever you are in the world ,you are still YOU.
    Trying to find other reasons i`m afraid doesnt wash.
    If you watch a horror movie you dont go out and kill someone unless your already crazy.
    This is a similar thing, the true personality has worked its way to the surface.

  24. #54
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    I know I am a crashing bore, I think I made a comment along the lines before. Some filipinos seem to take on the characteristics of where they are living. I would say, from my experience, that a fair number of British people appear quite stand offish and unwilling to "get involved". I used to commute from Chatham to London everyday. The same people standing at the same place waiting to catch the same train every day. They could scarcely acknowledge each other's existence. Except when the trains were late, coupled with a feeble excuse over the tannoy. Then and only then the commuters allowed themselves a tut tut to the person standing next to them. One day I spoke to a lady on the train, newspapers rustled, mouths fell agape. Someone talking on the train!

    This stand offish behaviour appears to permeate some filipinos. I say some.

    In Saudi Arabia men are not allowed to talk to women in public (unless they are related). My word, when I try to talk to a filipina in Riyadh, they look scared, confused, insulted, shocked - where are the religious police when you need them. Permeation?

    In the US, land of the booming voice and excessive mock politeness, have a nice day my ****! Oh how the filipinos seem to love to speak with that ghastly vocal mannerism of the septic tank. So chic. Permeation?

    Some I say some. Perhaps they had in them all the time?

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    you don' go for the quantity, you go for the quality.
    Yes you're right. We don't need too much. If we have 10 friends but 9 of them are not sincere, I would rather choose 1 friend but purely genuine I am lucky I got one here. Just a mile away from me

    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    What UK made them cannot reach anymore???

    The UK didnt make anyone bad, it`s their own personality that does it. Too many people think of the material things they have. Or sometimes wherever they`ve been in the world. You know, " i`ve been to lots of places and you havnt " , that sort of thing.
    Wherever you are in the world ,you are still YOU.
    Trying to find other reasons i`m afraid doesnt wash.
    If you watch a horror movie you dont go out and kill someone unless your already crazy.
    This is a similar thing, the true personality has worked its way to the surface.

    I bet you're right

  26. #56
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    well, i think that's the essence of a forum.. you get the chance to meet a genuine friend... you still do need a friend aside from the husband... as you need someone to rant about when the topic is the husband.. you need other people's perspective...but then friendships know no distance.. so i would still keep my friend wherever I am.. I still keep in touch with my bestfriend in Singapore, and my former housemates who are in Canada and Australia...

    So, who wants to be my friend? hehehe....

  27. #57
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    well, i think that's the essence of a forum.. you get the chance to meet a genuine friend... you still do need a friend aside from the husband... as you need someone to rant about when the topic is the husband.. you need other people's perspective...but then friendships know no distance.. so i would still keep my friend wherever I am.. I still keep in touch with my bestfriend in Singapore, and my former housemates who are in Canada and Australia...

    So, who wants to be my friend? hehehe....

    Nice one Florge. I need friends as well aside from my husband. I maintain my good friends i left behind. When we came here in the UK we expect we will find people who has the same characteristics as that of our friends we left in the Phils hence we felt disgusted or disappointed once we found out they are different. And also we start to wonder why they are snubbish, arrogant, doesn't give back a smile etc etc. After staying here for quite sometime and had observed why they act like that way, now i know the reasons.

    To Fullohope, just be patient someday soon you will find genuine filipino friends. It's really hard to find someone you will like or vice versa because even if we are all filipinos we have to consider that we all have different views on everything.

    Best of luck...

    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  28. #58
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Its me,fullofhope is now back in Pinas with her family,she enjoyed her stay in the UK but for whatever reason is now back home.

  29. #59
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Its me,fullofhope is now back in Pinas with her family,she enjoyed her stay in the UK but for whatever reason is now back home.

    Alright. She must be feeling homesick?. How did you know?.
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  30. #60
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I have known "V" for years,like I said,its a small world,her boyfriend Dave is on the "Circuit" She actually enjoyed her stay in the UK,she loved Windsor Dave was away in Nigeria for a month while she was in UK,maybe that made her a little lonely

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