With all the recent, ongoing debate and general hoo-ha surrounding this particularly thorny subject, might I put forward a couple of simple suggestions .. ??

Given the law as it stands at present, there are always going to be those who will "abuse the system" - either by taking up employment whilst here on a tourist or visitor's visa, or by overstaying their welcome and ultimately "disappearing without trace". Perhaps if prospective applicants were forewarned at the outset that such breaches would NOT be tolerated in ANY circumstances, and that ALL offenders would, without exception, automatically forfeit their right(s) to apply again in the future, then this might act as a significant deterrent to deviant behaviour.

There are few who would dispute the fact that it OUGHT to be a wife's legal right to be able to live with her husband in the country of his birth. On this assumption, therefore, the majority of fiancee and/or spousal applications and those seeking 'indefinite leave to remain' are most likely to be genuine. Moreover, these people (unless they happen to be millionaires) are prepared to sacrifice literally hundreds of pounds - often a substantial chunk of their hard-earned life's savings - in the hope that their 'gamble' will pay off. If it does not, then they and their loved one are forced to live thousands of miles apart ad in finitum (unless, as I've said already, they are millionaires and can afford to try again ... and again ... and ...!!!). To my mind, it would make sense - and be fairer all round - if the fee were to be a 'one-off' payment of £550 (or whatever the latest constantly-changing figure is) and/or be refundable on each failed attempt. Equally, I'm sure that with a bit more compassion and forethought on the part of the Immigration Authorities, the waiting period could be considerably curtailed, thereby resulting in a great deal less stress and strain on marriages/committed relationships.

I've hinted at all this in previous threads, with a view to garnering support from fellow members, but have yet to receive a satisfactory response - hence my reasons for appearing to go through it all again.
